Passion Blog Pitches

When brainstorming ideas for my passion blog, the first that came to my head is the social justice system. While my major is psychology, my ultimate interest is law, and criminal defense. I know I know when you think of criminal defense you think about basically handing out get out of jail free cards to people that might not quite deserve them. However, my interest in this field goes deeper than that. Every year there are countless people falsely imprisoned, and even more forgotten by the system and left in prison way over their sentencing. With this blog, I would choose a new past or present case to research and post about, bringing awareness to the flaws in the system and digging deeper into reasons this may be occurring, whether it is the crime that was committed, state, etc…

Taking a complete 180 from this rather serious topic, is good ole book reviews. I like to consider myself a pretty avid reader, and would love to incorporate this into my blog. While I know it has to be deeper than i simple 1-5 star review, i’m thinking that a good spin could be each post building upon the previous, starting with a base book and finding connections within books i’ve read/reviewed or will read. I would go into extreme detail and analyze not only the books themselves, but the way a series may connect and the authors thought process behind their writing.

4 thoughts on “Passion Blog Pitches

  1. My main interest for the future is law as well, and specifically criminal law. I know the general perception when it comes to criminal defense lawyers is that they hand out get out of jail free cards, but that really isn’t true. I also find it interesting that your interest lies with falsely imprisoned inmates.

  2. Hey Daniella!
    I appreciate that you’re willing to bring attention to the topics that people are afraid to talk about.
    I would love to read more of you book interests. Being a psych major myself, I love the ideas that you pitched!
    I hope you take book recommendations and review those as well.
    I look forward to reading your blogs!

  3. Both of these ideas are interesting! One thing I want to point out, just so you’re aware, is the fact that you will be doing a civic issues blog in the spring. Your criminal defense idea may lend itself well to that assignment if you choose to go with your second option. Either way, I look forward to reading your blog!

  4. This blog shows immense thought and hard work, and I throughly enjoy how well written everything is. These two passion of yours are one’s that I sincerely believe will bring you loads of success, and I would love to learn more about both of them. Both passions that you brought up could transform into profound blogs. Social justice, and book reviews, although very different, hold great significance in your life, and I wish you the best in whichever it is that you chose to pick.

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