Elevator Pitch- The Future is Female

132 years. Longer than anyone here will be alive. That is the projected length of time it will take the gender gap to reach full parity. This means that not a single woman in this room will ever experience true equality.

In light of the fairly recent events regarding our nations backpedaling of women’s rights, “The Future is Female” is a fitting call to arms for the gender equality movement of this generation. First coined in the 1970’s and now most recently regaining traction in the form of not only t-shirts and signs for women’s rights marches, but advertisements and even awards, this seemingly simple statement is one that holds immense power.

Presented as a slogan for one of Wittner Shoes collection, and used to reinforce their company mantra of putting confidence in your step, “The Future is Female” is a slogan that pushes equality for women. Their advertisement showcases not only beautiful shoes and powerful female models, but the four words that without context mean nothing, and with it mean everything. Through the use of visual rhetoric, this ad campaign completely avoids any backlash inducing claims, and spreads the purely positive message of women’s rights through equality.

The future IS female, but that doesn’t mean it’s anti-male, it simply means that women WILL get the rights we deserve, and this campaign is a fitting representation of the power that we as a generation have to make a difference. We can speed up that lengthy projection easily through the continuation of campaigns such as Wittners.

Thank You.

6 thoughts on “Elevator Pitch- The Future is Female

  1. The Ideological criticism is carried out beautifully. What I love about this is the fact that you discussed the commonplaces that surrounds this topic. The idea that lifting up women doesn’t mean we are bringing down men is something simple and yet people fail to understand it. Your use of the words like ‘is’ or ‘will’ give this blog a very positive tone, signifies that you are hopeful for what is yet to come.

  2. Daniella, this pitch was written so well! I can really tell how much thought, time, and effort you put into it, and I admire how you not only chose a topic that is so important, but also so relevant due to our current political climate. I can directly tell how you used visual rhetoric to deeply go in depth, and convey to the audience of the dire need of what you are writing holds. I am very excited to hear this in speech form!

  3. I loved the way you formatted this pitch. You clearly are very educated when it comes to this topic and know what your talking about. Clearly this is a very relevant topic in our world today, and you really went into depth with the use of visual rhetoric. I also thought the sentence “The future IS female, but that doesn’t mean it’s anti-male” was important because a lot of people misinterpret this movement as an anti-men movement, when it clearly isn’t

  4. Hi Daniella! I loved hearing you speak today, and I especially loved the artifact/ topic you chose. It’s an incredibly important issue, and I think that the language you used helped highlight its significance, especially the one phrase “the four words that without context mean nothing, and with it mean everything”. It was really powerful to hear. Additionally, I think that your delivery was amazing, and I really liked your hook as it helped to immediately connect your audience to the issue. The only thing I would suggest is to work on maintaining eye contact with your audience, as that could amplify your message even more. Overall, you were amazing!

  5. Daniella, your elevator pitch was absolutely amazing. Not only were you visibly passionate about gender equality, but your use of arrangement, as well as style, and invention were unlike anything I have previously seen. Additionally, the way that you delivered the pitch with great memoization shows how much time and effort you put into making this your best work.

  6. Your speech was very interesting and I enjoyed learning more about your topic.
    Although I had very little prior knowledge about the women’s rights movement before hearing your pitch, I feel that I’m now more educated. I learned that the issue of women’s rights is much more prominent than I originally thought. On top of all of the good information and facts, you really connected to the audience by bringing up real life issues.

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