“We are all a bunch of fossil fools”- Shoshana’s Elevator Pitch

“We are all a bunch of fossil fools”. This is the opening line of Shoshana’s elevator pitch speech on climate change from class today, and the words that got me and i’m sure the rest of the class drawn in to her passionate and informational speech on the alarming state of our nations environment. Through her attention-grabbing opening line and overall passion and knowledge of the subject, both evident through her tone of voice and presence in front of the class, Shoshana presented a beautifully written and extrmely informational pitch.

The introduction of her artifact is another thing that Shoshana did a great job with. Using an artifact found on Tik Tok helps to again ensure the audiences presence and keep everyone engages, as it’s a platform the majority of us are present on and therefore holds our interest. The idea that any one of us in the room could be scrolling through our feed and see the artifact described, “Environmental Sustainibility Ninja Leaves No Footprint”, and an animated ninja in the corner, brings a sense of hope to our generation. If one person can see it on Tik Tok, millions can, and that means that millions of people could also now be more knowledgeable on the environmental crisis of our nation and willing to take a stand for it, all through seeing a commonplace on Tik Tok.

Overall, Shoshana’s pitch not only brought great awareness to an extreme issue in our nation and one of the sustainability goals, but kept her audience extremely engaged and eager to learn more about what we as a society can do to help.

One thought on ““We are all a bunch of fossil fools”- Shoshana’s Elevator Pitch

  1. This is so kind! I am so happy that you feel as connected to my artifact as I felt to yours. Additionally, I love how you not only understood why the artifact is important, but you further expanded on it.

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