“November 9” By Colleen Hoover

Surprise surprise, on this weeks installment of Daniella’s book blogs, we’ve got another Colleen Hoover novel! Buckle your seatbelts, because this book is the only one to ever make me cry in all my 18 years, and by the end of this blog, it’ll be “Colleen” your name too. -bad pun I know i’m sorry-

Synopsis- On November 9th, the anniversary of an accident that left half of her body scarred, and just a day before she moves across the country to pursue her theatre dreams, Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist. While initial attraction leads them to spend the 24 hours before Fallon’s departure by each others sides, well on their way to falling in love by the looks of it, they ultimately make the decision to cut contact when she leaves, agreeing to reconnect once a year on November 9th. Promising to meet at the same place and time they saw each other for the first time on that November day, or at least what Fallon thought was the first time.

The novel chapters jump from year to year, as Fallon and Ben rekindle their feelings for each other, seeming to be right on track for the perfect storybook love. However, in typical Colleen Hoover fashion, this is not the case, and their relationship takes multiple sharp declines throughout.

From a family death to pregnant sister-in-law turned girlfriendish -I know I know that one weirded me out too-, Fallon and Ben’s relationship is far from the romance novels she assigns him to read as homework between their meetings.

Just when you think it can’t get any more heart-wrenching, a manuscript written by Ben makes it’s way to Fallons home, and all the sudden puzzle pieces she didn’t even know existed start to fall together. A shocking reveal leaves Fallon heartbroken, and Ben risking not only losing Fallon forever, but arrest as well. But at the end of the day, what’s a little risk when you’re playing the long game at love? And is it even considered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?

First Line- “I wonder what kind of sound it would make if I were to smash this glass against the side of his head.”

Last Line- “And then I kiss her. And it’s a twelve. Not the end. Far from it.”

My Favorite Quote- “It took four years for me to fall in love with him. It only took four pages to stop.”

Rating- 10/10 Big surprise on this one another perfect 10, but I promise it’s a very validated rating. I know that the synopsis does little to reveal the true masterpiece that is this book, but unfortunately that comes with the territory of not spoiling Colleen Hoover books. They are so full of twists and turns that it’s hard to give a good description without leaving much to the imagination. However with all that being said, I would like the reiterate the fact that I had never in my life cried because of a book up until reading this one, and this was not just a couple tears either. This book will manage to have you on both characters sides, frustrated that you can’t jump into the pages yourself and talk to each to clear the air. It’s more than just a romance, and provides a unique spin on the typical one-week love-stories, showing the growth and increasing maturity of both characters every year they reconnect. I couldn’t recommend this one more!

3 thoughts on ““November 9” By Colleen Hoover

  1. What i love about this series of blog the most is the way you go about rating the books. Not only does this include the very well written synopsis, but also the first and last line, which takes the audience throughout the journey of the characters without revealing the important aspects. I also love reading your favourite quotes from the book, and how did the book make you feel, because it shares an up close experience that the intended readers might experience while reading the said book.

  2. This blog was really “Colleen” my name! I read this book over the summer and can truly relate to how you feel about it. I to do not usually cry from books, but this one was an exception. The quote that you chose as your favorite holds such importance in the book, and leaves me speachless everytime. It is crystal clear that you spent an abundance of both time and effort writing this blog post, and as always, I truly am looking foward to next weeks. Great Job!

  3. Honestly, let me start of by showing appreciation to your pun, I thought it was really good. Overall, this seems like a really strange book, but it’s also oddly interesting. There are so many twists and unexpected turns, which is something I like in a book. You gave a really in depth analysis of the book in your synopsis which really helped me understand the book. Keep up the good work on your passion blogs.

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