Reflection Of My Speech

As I reflect on my overall speech performance, I find that there are many personal improvements that can be made for the future. While I will admit that the written aspect of my speech itself is something I am very proud of, as not only did I take a lot of time to write and edit it, but it is something that reflects my genuine passion regarding the subject, I do feel that my performance of the speech is something with much to be improved upon.

I feel that my biggest weakness in my speech recording is my overall “stage presence” and lack of maintained eye contact with the ‘”audience”.  A factor that I likely contributed to my lack of these things was my overall memorization of my speech. I do not think that I prepared myself quite enough in regards to having it decently memorized to avoid needing to read a script. While I tried my best to alternate between my script and the audience, I did find while rewatching my recording that I struggled to keep my eyes completely off of the script at many points during my speech.

However, while I have highlighted the many weaknesses I find within my speech performance, I have also found many strengths. As mentioned before, the topic of my speech is one that I posses great passion towards, and therefore I was able to easily use vocal tone shifts to portray the emotion I wanted to be relayed to the audience. Piggybacking off of this, I feel that being able to relay messages and feelings while maintaining audience interest is something I accomplished, as I used a strong hook and kept my speech fairly concise and straight forward with the information I wanted to share and message I was aiming to spread.

Overall, while I am still very proud of my work and feel that I have written a speech that both informs and reflects my passion, I still have work to do when it comes to the overall speech performance aspect, and will be sure to improve upon it for the next time.

3 thoughts on “Reflection Of My Speech

  1. The passion that you have regarding the topic was very well reflected in your speech. From your writing to your delivery everything was well collaborated with each other. I really took inspiration from how great you were! Great speech overall.

  2. Daniella, I love how you can acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, while not being too hard on yourself. I personally think you did an absolutely amazing job on your speech, and put a ton of hard work into it. As you said, you were very evidently passionate about your topic. Great Job!

  3. I think it is really great that you acknowledged your weaknesses and reflected on them. This will help in the long run and on future speeches you give. Your delivery was great and you spoke with a lot of confidence. Great job and I look forward to your future work.

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