TED Talks- Fav + Brainstorming

Favorite- https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_do_schools_kill_creativity

I’ll be the first to admit that i’m not the biggest fan of TED talks. While I do enjoy listening to them when they’re a subject i’m interested in, I often times find myself not quite as engaged as I should or could be. However, one talk that I found myself drawn to was Sir Ken Robinsons “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”. I have always been a strong advocate of school being less of a mold to fit students into and more of a place that allows intellectual and creative growth, and this talk puts an emphasis on these beliefs. It does a great job of not only staying entertaining and therefore engaging, but also urging the education system to nurture creativity as oppose to put it in a box.

Idea- Following my theme of feminism that I’ve continued to develop throughout the semester, the first idea that comes to mind in regards to a Unit 2 project topic would be feminism and gender equality in all aspects of life. I would be able to take pieces from all of my speeches and writing assignments thus far to touch on the gender norms assigned from birth, ways the futures of children are shaped by their treatment based on gender, and the way that gender has dictated so many things that it shouldn’t, even in the modern age of fights for gender equality. This is definitely a rough draft of a brainstorm, but I feel it is something I would be able to take go into a lot of depth on and already have a pretty good understanding of. Another idea I have, similar to the broader feminism idea, is the relevance of the pink tax, and the way that even as we stray away from gender inequality, it is still a very prominent issue. These are the only ideas that come to mind as of now, but i’m going to continue brainstorming and will come back to edit this post as I think of more.

3 thoughts on “TED Talks- Fav + Brainstorming

  1. I think the topic of “do skills kill creativity” is really important. Schools should be catering towards what students are interested in, and not have a set agenda for every kid. When it comes to your research topic, I like how your doing a similar topic to the one from last unit. You have a lot of room to build on your argument.

  2. Daniella, I love how passionate you are about feminism! Your idea sounds as though it has the potential to turn into something absolutely amazing. Additionally, the Ted Talk that you chose sounds so powerful, and I understand why you selected this specific one as the one that peaks your interest. Great Job!

  3. I absolutely agree with the part about ted talks, if not done right, they can get boring and repetitive, that being said, the one that you have particularly chooses seemed absolutely amazing! It is also amazing to witness your passion about feminism. I was blown away by your speech and based on your brainstorm idea, the Unit 2 project seems to uphold the same standard, if not better!

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