Greys Anatomy Deaths- Thatcher Grey

Happy Thursday and welcome to the final installment of this semesters passion blogs on Greys Anatomy deaths. I know I know i’m sad to see this chapter of the semester coming to a close too. Throughout these last few months we’ve addressed every major doctor death, as well as the death of main character Meredith Grey’s mother. Seeing as that entry about Ellis Grey is the one that kickstarted this entire blog, I found it only fitting to wrap up with the death of her father, Thatcher Grey.

Not making his first appearance until episode 18 of season 2, Thatcher Grey was introduced initially as a deadbeat father. He had been married to and in love with Merediths mother Ellis, and was with her up until Meredith turned 5, when her mother cheated on him with a co-worker and then decided to leave him. Some time after his divorce from Ellis, Thatcher remarried and had two daughters (Lexie and Molly). He did not maintain any contact with Ellis or Meredith, and it wasn’t until his daughter Molly was pregnant and ended up at Seattle Grace Hospital that Thatcher’s new wife urged him to rekindle the relationship he had let die with Meredith and bond. This however wasn’t too successful, as Meredith never truly got past the way he just left and rebuilt a new life without keeping contact with her, and held the childhood grudge all the way through adulthood.

It wasn’t until Ellis (Meredith’s mother) died that Thatcher and his new wife Susan went to the hospital to check on Meredith to make sure she was ok and invite her to dinner. This certainly didn’t repair the relationship, but at least made the two slightly more comfortable with each other, and was a step in the right direction for mending the father-daughter bond. Not much later in this season (season 3), Thatcher returned to the hospital with his wife, who needed a simple procedure. Despite their best efforts, she died in surgery. When Meredith delivered the news to Thatcher, he slapped her, saying that Susan had trusted her and she let her down, and he returned to the hospital drunk on the day of Susans funeral to tell Meredith not to attend.

After Susan’s death, Thatcher started drinking heavily. As a result of his alcoholism, he was admitted to SGH for drunkenness and having his arm put through a window. Meredith stitched him up and they bonded again. After alienating everyone, he went into rehab and he soon visited Seattle Grace, twenty-nine days sober. He is next seen at the hospital with liver disease that was a result of his alcoholism. He was told he needed a liver transplant to survive. Meredith was a match and after some discussion, both Meredith and Thatcher agreed to the operation and it was successful.

After Lexie died, Thatcher stayed sober, but lost touch with Meredith. Richard found out through an AA friend that Thatcher had Acute Myeloid Leukemia and is in hospice care with only a few weeks left to live. Meredith avoided visiting him until she learned that Thatcher might not have even a few more days. She came to his house to visit and they talked awkwardly for a while. After they finished talking, he took his final breath and died.

This death was a bit of a full circle moment in the show, as so much of Merediths talks about traumas revolved around the dicey relationship she had with her mother, and the absence of her father growing up. However watching their relationship blossom a bit, especially after the death of Ellis, many watchers couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about the passing, as Thatcher truly was alone in his final months, one daughter dead, wife dead, and not on speaking terms with the other daughter. While his death wasn’t one that was necessarily dwelled on, it is still memorable in the grand scheme of things, and I think was a perfect way to end out this blog series.

It’s been a joy writing this series for the semester, and I hope everyone enjoyed getting a glimpse into the complexities of Greys Anatomy, have a great rest of the year!

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Greys Anatomy Deaths- Andrew DeLuca

Happy Thursday everyone, and welcome back to a now weekly edition of my passion blogs on the deaths in Grey’s Anatomy! Up until this point, i’ve covered deaths of doctors that were prominent characters in the first few seasons of the show, but this week we’re switching it up a bit. Introduced first in episode 24 of season 11 and becoming a recurring character halfway through season 12 in episode 10, Andrew DeLuca is the most recent character to die in the series, and per usual, a death that came out of nowhere. Being a person that started watching Greys much after it started, many of the deaths did not come as much of a surprise to me, as I had seen spoilers before making it to those portions of the show. However, now catching up to the point of watching it in real time, the death of DeLuca is one that came completely as a complete shock to everyone, and left many more than upset after the extreme character growth we watched him have.

In his first real episode,  Andrew emerges from a rescue vehicle carrying patients from a tunnel collapse. At the hospital, he identifies himself as a surgeon and says that he was on his way to work at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital when he saw the accident and joined the rescue. He quickly lends a hand in helping the victims and, because he is wearing a suit and seems confident in what he is doing, the other doctors assume that he is an attending. However, he is later revealed to be an intern, which causes the other interns to ostracize him from the get-go. Though he deals with alienation for much of his intern year, DeLuca eventually gains his bearings, and becomes a surgical resident as his ex-girlfriend, Sam Bello, arrives at the hospital as an intern. His sister Carina also joins the team at Grey Sloan and begins dating Andrew’s roommate Arizona, much to his dismay. Carina doesn’t approve of Sam, whom she feels is a stalker. Andrew and Sam eventually rekindle their relationship until she leaves to avoid deportation. Heartbroken, Andrew drunkenly kisses Meredith Grey at Jo and Alex’s wedding. He then realizes that his feelings for Meredith are genuine and begins to pursue her. After months of chasing her, Andrew begins a relationship with Meredith.

In Season 17, Andrew became an attending and seemingly recovered from the mania he dealt with in the previous season. In the episode “Helplessly Hoping,” Andrew dies after being stabbed by an accomplice of Opal, a human trafficker whom Andrew had recognized previously. He had followed Opal and called the police to arrest her, and when the police refused to help due to red tape, he called Maya at Station 19 while inside a car with Carina, who immediately comes to help. His efforts lead to Opal’s arrest, but he was already injured. He is taken into emergency surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and initially recovers and wakes up, but he then starts to code and is rushed into his second surgery, where his time of death is called at 22:50. He then appears not long after his death in Meredith’s “afterlife” dream sequence. There, Andrew and Meredith say their good-byes and we see Andrew reunited with his deceased mother, making his final appearance in the series.

This death was so disappointing for so many, as viewers watched Andrew struggle with mental health and getting people to believe him when he discovered the human trafficking that had occurred, and were so happy to see him recovered just to watch his murder shortly after. His passion to save the victims of Opal pulled at the heartstrings, and his loved one’s reactions to the death will stay with Greys fans forever, leaving us all wondering what he could’ve been if more believed him.

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Greys Anatomy Deaths- George O’Malley

Happy happy Thursday everyone, welcome back to yet another now weekly edition of my passion blog, featuring the many, many deaths of characters in Greys Anatomy. Thus far i’ve focused on many characters that had been introduced early on and had an unfortunate ending pretty deep into the series. This week however, we are taking a step back in time to look at the first significant character death of the show. All the way back in episode 24 of season 5, member of “MAGIC” (the original 5 interns: Meredith, Alex, George, Izzy, and Cristina) George O’Malley made his departure from the show, and paved the way for the deaths that followed, being the first of many to contribute to the hospital being nicknamed “Seattle Grace Mercy Death” for the ridiculous amount of death and near-death experience doctors there faced. 

First making an appearance in episode 1 of season 1, George was about as OG as it got, as a surgical intern in Merediths rotation, both with Dr. Miranda Bailey as their resident (mentor/one in charge of them). He got off to a pretty rough start, and was even nicknamed 007 in one of the first few episodes after botching his first surgery as an intern. The intern appy (appendectomy) was meant to be done by the intern that showed the most promise, chosen by one of the experienced surgeons. George however proved to have a bit of work left to do, as he froze and was unable to complete the surgery. Throughout the seasons his skills improved and he eventually became a very talented surgeon.

As far as love interests go, George had a couple, but none too significant. There was Callie Torres, who he actually married for a short period of time, though it was a very quick marriage as they definitely rushed into things. Most significant was his not so secret crush on Meredith, which unfortunately for him did not turn into anything other than a one night stand that left everyone a little more than slightly uncomfortable afterward. Aside from Meredith, Izzy, Alex, and Cristina, George was probably closest with Merediths little sister Lexi (her blog post was one of the first). They bonded after George failed his intern exam and was held back until he could retake it, ending up in Lexi’s group of new interns, and even living with her for a period of time.

At the end of season 5, George begins to show interest in the field of trauma surgery, and goes to Dr. Owen Hunt, who had served in the military for advice. It’s during this conversation that George became convinced to join the army, where he would be a trauma surgeon just as Hunt had. After giving his notice to the chief of surgery, hewas given his last day off to spend with his family. It was on his way home from the hospital that George jumped in front of a bus to save the life of a stranger in the road.

When he was first brought into the hospital by ambulance, one knew who he was because he was unrecognizable from the accident. It wasn’t until Meredith went into check on “John Doe” that George took her hand and traced ‘007’ into it. Meredith quickly figured out that it was, in fact, George. Many people didn’t believe that it was him because there was no proof that he really did trace 007, and there was no reason for them to think it was him otherwise. It wasn’t until Callie Torres remembered that George had a birthmark on his hand that looked like Texas and went to check it that they were able to confirm John Doe to be George. His brain swelled during surgery and he was ultimately declared brain dead. Most of his organs were donated following the surgery.

This death was a rough one not only to the sudden manner (per usual with this show), but that fact that it really was the first big death of the series, so viewers had little preparation for the pain that losing a main character really brought forth. He was mentioned a couple times throughout when family members were admitted to the hospital, and ended up having a feature in Meredith’s dream in one of the latest seasons. Overall, his time on the show was much shorter than most, but like them all, he carried a strong impact and personality, that makes him memorable no matter the amount of years that go by.

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Greys Anatomy Deaths- Derek Shepherd

Happy Thursday and welcome to another passion blog on Greys Anatomy character deaths! The last few months i’ve covered many of the significant and relatively original characters, and today I will be talking about the one character who tops them all. Introduced in the first scene of the first episode of season 1, Derek Shepherd, nicknamed “McDreamy” by the interns of season 1, was the husband of Meredith Grey, father to three children (one of which he never met), and overall biggest heartthrob of the series (in my opinion at least), which is what made his departure one that caused so many tears.

After being cheated on by his wife in New York, Derek decided to make the move to Seattle, to work at Seattle Grace hospital as a neurosurgeon, and hopeful candidate for the chief of surgery position. It’s the night before his first shift at the hospital that he meets Meredith at a bar, and they immediately hit it off. Their relationship is one that had many ups and downs throughout the first few seasons, as Meredith first tries avoiding him due to them being coworkers, and then later once a relationship starts to bloom, finds out he had been married the entire time, and thats why he came to Seattle. Their relationship is one that could be discussed for hours, but to sum it up, they ended up together in the end, and are arguably the cutest couple of all time, adding to the ever-so long list of reasons Dereks death was such a difficult pill for viewers to swallow.

After surviving a hospital shooting and plane crash, Dereks luck unfortunately ran out in episode 21 of season 11. He had been working closely with the president on a brain mapping initiative, and had been traveling back and forth to D.C. often. Derek was driving to the airport for one last trip to D.C., during which he was going to resign to spend more time with his family, when he witnessed a car crash on the remote road he was driving. The spot it happened in was the blind spot on the side of a mountain, and despite the danger, Derek immediately stopped to help. He was able to get the people from both cars stabilized, and stayed with them until paramedics were able to arrive and take them to the hospital. Once the victims of the crash were safely en route to the medical center, Derek returned to his car and began to pull out to turn around when his phone suddenly rang. Leaving the car sideways in the middle of the road, he began reaching for the phone, not noticing an approaching semi, which came fast around the corner and crashed into the side of his car.

Derek was then taken to the hospital where the doctors began examining him. Conscious but unable to speak, he knew that he needed a head CT, and begged in his mind for the doctors to also realize this. One of them quickly did and lobbied to get the CT, but to no avail, as she was repeatedly shut down by her superior, who believed that Derek’s abdominal bleeding was more pressing, even though he was stable enough to get the CT. Derek was rushed to the OR, but by the time the doctors figured out what was going on and managed to bring in a neurosurgeon (whom they had to wait for over an hour after paging him), it was already too late and Derek was pronounced brain dead. Not long after, Meredith signed the papers to take him off life-support, and he took his last breath.

This death was an impactful one on so many levels, as viewers had watched the family built by Meredith and Derek grow, and it was made so obvious just how much each cared for the other. He was more than significant in the series, and mentioned constantly even after his death, as nobody would ever truly be able to replace him and his talent not just as a neurosurgeon, but as a good person in general. Viewers watched as the series continued, and the light never fully came back in Merediths eyes, always missing the little piece of her true love that left too soon.

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‘Grey’s Anatomy’: Derek Shepherd’s Death Was Not As Devastating as You Remember

Greys Anatomy Deaths- Mark Sloan

Happy Thursday and almost spring break everyone, welcome to another biweekly passion blog! If you remember, I covered the death of Lexie Grey a couple weeks ago, and during that blog also mentioned another character who unfortunately fell victims to the same plane accident. Very near and dear to not just my own heart, but those of pretty much any Greys Anatomy fan, this weeks topic person is none other than Mark Sloan, long time childhood best friend of Derek Shepherd (Meredith Grey’s husband), and renowned plastic surgeon.

Sloan first appears in season 2 episode 18, just as a guest character visiting the hospital to see Derek, who greeted him with a swift punch in the face (we later find out Mark slept with Dereks wife, causing Derek to leave New York for Seattle…lots of drama!!).  After this dramatic whirlwind of an episode, Mark departed for a short period of time before officially returning to the show as a series regular is season 3 episode 3, as he began working at what was then know as Seattle Grace Hospital.

Right off the bat, Mark is nicknamed “McSteamy” byMeredith and her friends, and certainly lives up to the rather raunchy nickname, as some of his past actions are revealed and viewers watch his waste no time setting his sights on new women at Seattle Grace. However, this “charm” doesn’t go appreciated by all, as many of the nurses banded together to start a “Nurses United Against Mark Sloan” club, prompting him to change his bachelor ways.

This change came at the perfect time, as he stumbled into a casual relationship with the young Lexie Grey. Much to Marks dismay however, little Grey put a quick stop to this fling, telling Mark that until he would publicly admit to being her partner, she wouldn’t be with him. This caused a couple issues, as Derek, who took over big brother role, told Mark from the get go that Lexi was off limits, but eventually, after a bit of animosity between the best friends, Grey and Sloan came out as a couple and all was well, for a little bit at least.

For many reasons, Mark and Lexie’s relationship was rocky/off and on, and eventually Mark ended up having a child with one of his best friends (who had a girlfriend when she found out about the pregnancy). For this reason among other things, Lexie and Mark were not technically together at the time of the plane crash. After trying and failing to save her while she was trapped under the plane, Mark holds dying Lexie by the hand, telling her that he has always and will always love her. He and the remaining surviving crash victims are left stranded in the woods, where his fellow surgeons performed an emergency chest surgery on him as he lost color and began to fade.

In the ninth-season premiere, it is revealed that Mark is on life support due to the extensive injuries he sustained in the plane crash and, as determined by his will, the machines would be turned off if he showed no signs of waking within 30 days. The episode alternates flashbacks to his life, where he revealed at one point that Lexie Grey would be who he grew old with. After he eventually did not wake up and was taken off of life support, it is revealed that Mark actually had a surge of good health upon his arrival back to Seattle Grace, during which he advised his protégé Jackson, ‘when you love someone, tell them’, and also officially broke things off with the woman he had been dating, both indications of just how much he truly loved Lexie.

In the end, Mark got what he wanted, and was able to spend the rest of time with the woman he loved, just not on earth like he had planned. This death hit hard for so many, as Sloan was the comedic relief so often needed, and his relationship with Lexie was more than wholesome, especially after his long history of sleeping around. He made a reappearance in season 17 as a character in Merediths dream, but it’s safe to say he didn’t get near enough screen time, and I often forget how little time he truly spent on the show, as his impact was beyond big.

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Top Five Saddest Grey’s Anatomy Deaths of All Time

Grey’s Anatomy Deaths- Lexie Grey

Happy Thursday and welcome to another passion blog! This week, i’m moving up the ladder of deaths to focus on a character who’s passing left so many viewers in shambles. Introduced in the second season by name, but not making a physical appearance until season 3, Lexie Grey was the younger paternal half sister that Meredith Grey had never met.

When she first entered as a recurring character, Lexie was a surgical intern, just one year behind her half sister. She began as unliked by Meredith, who took out a grudge on Lexie that was meant to be aimed at her father for his poor treatment and basically abandonment of her and her mother to build a new family. For much of her start at Seattle Grace Hospital, Lexie struggled to connect with her sister as she was shunned, and as a result socially struggled in general. It wasn’t until season 5 that Lexie and Meredith really became close, and developed the sisterly bond that they lacked for so long, which was really sealed when Meredith asked Lexie to be one of her bridesmaids.

As for her death, it was right there along with pretty much every other Grey’s Anatomy death and came out of absolutely nowhere. A team of surgeons from Seattle Grace were asked to fly to Boise, Idaho, and perform a surgery to separate conjoined twins. Lexie joined 7 of her fellow coworkers on a private plane, but none of them ended up making it to their final destination. Somewhere along the flight, something went wrong, and the plane crashed in the middle of the woods. The level of injuries from the crash varied doctor to doctor, but due to where she was on the plane, Lexie was sucked out the back of the plane and ended up crushed underneath debris. While her friends tried to free her, Lexie became aware of how serious her injuries were, and knew that she was unlikely to survive. Her death was slow, and definitely caused more than a few tears to be shed by viewers.

This death was deeply upsetting to Grey’s Anatomy watchers not only due to the unfortunate and sudden nature, but also because of the way that her own sister, friends, and even the man she loved had to witness it. Lexie died holding hands with Mark Sloan, who she had been in an on and off relationship with since her entrance early on in the show. As they realized the severity of her injuries and said their final goodbyes, viewers including myself couldn’t help but let the water works flow, watching the relationship we had been cheering on for so many seasons come to an end in the most unfortunate manner possible.

In terms of long-term impacts, the plane crash itself that caused her death was something addressed for many seasons to come, leaving surviving doctors with PTSD, unable to travel by plane. More-so than this, Lexie left a lasting legacy, with the hospital being sold and re-named in her honor, Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital (Marks post is coming soon!). Nobody ever forgot her, and she even made a reappearance in season 17, visiting Meredith in a dream she had while on a ventilator. Featured in just 5 of the now 20 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, Lexie Grey’s time was certainly cut short, and her character took a piece of everyones heart with her when she said goodbye.


*Images from &

Grey’s Anatomy Deaths- Ellis Grey

Happy Thursday and start of semester 2 RCL blogging!! This time around i’ve decided to do something a bit different than my fall book blog/rating/summaries. While i’m still going to incorporate a bit of my own opinion into each piece and will be summarizing their character as a whole and the way that their deaths affected other characters and the show overall. I’ll go into slight detail on the way they died as well but it won’t be the main focus. With that being said, I feel that a good starting point is the woman that raised main character Meredith Grey, and the reason for much of her trauma, Ellis Grey.

In terms of emotional impacts for viewers, this death wasn’t one that hit very hard, at least not for me. In the seasons leading up to her death, we watched as the emotional trauma from growing up with a mother so ruthlessly focused on careers over personal happiness like Ellis Grey affected Meredith in all aspects of her life. Though she did have Alzheimers, and her appearances on the show emphasized the deterioration she experience at the hands of her disease, all as her daughter watched helplessly, Ellis’ treatment of Meredith during both lucid and non-lucid states was far from motherly, and left viewers including myself with a bit of a bad taste in our mouths as far as opinions on her go. With that being said, I shouldn’t be too harsh, as any death is tragic, and this one can be seen as ever more-so than most from Meredith’s standpoint, who was not only losing her mother for years before her actual passing, but wasn’t even able to have a meaningful conversation with Ellis in her final days, much less hear how proud of her daughter she likely would have been for the more than successful surgeon she had become.

Ellis’ death itself was very sudden, just as most deaths on this show go, and came at an already very dramatic time. Meredith was fighting for her life in the hospital after falling into the water at the scene of a ferry boat crash. She didn’t attempt to save herself and was giving up when she was rescued from the water and rushed to the ER. At the same time, Ellis was also in the hospital and being treated for a recently discovered heart condition. As Meredith coded and hallucinated a conversation in the afterlife with Ellis during which she told Meredith that she is “anything but ordinary” and she needs to run back, Ellis was also fighting for her life. Meredith was able to be brought back and made a full recovery, however Ellis did not win her fight, and died of a heart attack.

As far as lasting impacts on the other characters of Grey’s Anatomy, Ellis is a unique one. Although she died of a heart attack during season 3, which was very early on in what has now become a 19 season series, there is no lapse in mention of her, flashback appearances, and even new children of hers as the show develops. In season 10 it’s revealed that she had an affair, and the lovechild of her and co-worker Richard Webber showed up as a new employee at the hospital, turning Merediths life upside down once again. She may have technically been “gone” as of season 3 episode 17, but Ellis Grey was most certainly not forgotten.

*Images from &

“All Your Perfects” By Colleen Hoover

A weeklong break later and officially at the final book blog of the semester, I feel it’s only fair we return to the roots of this blog and closed out with possibly the heaviest Colleen Hoover novel i’ve read thus far. While we’ve explored pretty much every corner of Hoover’s writing, from mysterious, to full of comic relief, ‘All Your Perfects’ is one that will keep you hooked and pull at the heart strings like none other.

Synopsis- Opening with their dramatic meeting, “All Your Perfects” follows Quinn and her husband Graham through what began as a seemingly “perfect” love story. Their relationship was one straight out of the movies, until it wasn’t. As the novel alternates between “then” and “now” chapters, it follows Quinn and Graham thought the start of their relationship, making memories and building a strong connection, and their present relationship, recalling the memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years, now tearing them apart day by day.

Between the “now” and “then”, Quinn finds out she’s not able to conceive, and it ruins her. Despite the fact that she loves her husband, she continues to fall into a depression due to her infertility, and keeps it bottled up inside, putting a wrench in her once perfect relationship as she isolates herself. As the novel continues its alternation between past and present, it deals with infertility, infidelity, depression, and an overall crumbling of what was once seen as perfection.

First Line- “The doorman didn’t smile at me.”

Last Line- “You have no idea what this smile means to me, Quinn. I’ve missed it so much.”

My Favorite Quote- “We’re all full of flaws. Hundreds of them. They’re like tiny holes all over our skin. And like your fortune said, sometimes we shine too much light on our own flaws. But there are some people who try to ignore their own flaws by shining light on other people’s to the point that the other person’s flaws become their only focus. They pick at them, little by little, until they rip wide open and that’s all we become to them. One giant, gaping flaw.”

Rating- 10/10 surprise surprise another perfect score for Colleen Hoover to close out our book blogging journey. I know that this synopsis is much shorter than past ones, but the way this book is structured makes every chapter a new twist or turn, full of spoilers and leaving you unable to put it down or really explain it without giving it all away. It deals with some pretty heavy topics, but has a heartwarming ending that makes all the frustration at fictional characters worth it. Definitely a must read if you you’ve enjoyed anything remotely similar to Colleen Hoover.

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone” By JK Rowling

Another week another classic! On this weeks installment of Daniella’s Book Blogs, i’m bringing ya’ll a synopsis and review of a book i hope you’ve at least seen the movie of, if not read as well. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone will forever take the cake as the first “big girl” book I got to read, so it’s only fair that it makes it onto the blog.

Synopsis- Living in a closet under the stairs at the house of his aunt and uncle, orphan Harry Potter’s life was at a seemingly all time low. However, on the night of his eleventh birthday, Harry learns that he is a wizard. A giant man named Hagrid crashes through the door and delivers Harry’s acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite his aunt and uncles best attempts to stamp the magic out of Harry and keep him in the dark, James and Lily Potter were two of the brightest wizards of their age. When Harry was a baby, an evil wizard named Voldemort murdered his parents and tried tokill him as well. No one quite knows how, but baby Harry survives, left with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead, he becomes known as the Boy-Who-Lived throughout the wizarding world.

After boarding the Hogwarts Express with the help of a wizarding family, the Weasleys, he becomes fast friends with classmate Ron Weasley. When they finally arrive at Hogwarts, a singing Sorting Hat places all the first years one of four different houses—Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. The houses are respectively known for their bravery, cunning, loyalty, and intelligence, and Harry is placed in Gryffindor.

Through his time at Hogwarts, Harry not only learns things about himself he never knew, like his family legacy on the quidditch team, but also the impact he has held on the wizarding world without even knowing it, and the way that there ar

e some very powerful wizards still out to get him. Harry, Ron, and their friend Hermione all discover a three headed dog in one of the forbidden rooms one day, and make it their mission to figure out what exactly it’s protecting. The discovery of the guard dog in addition to some other strange occurrences, like a troll being let loose in the castle, leaves the trio wond

ering just what’s going on, and if a certain professor has anything to do with it.

They eventually decide to attempt getting past the dog, as they realize that it protects something very valuable, something that if put in the wrong hands could be detrimental to the wizarding world.  On their journey through the bewitched, the trio finds themselves met with countless obstacles, every one more dangerous than the prior. Eventually, Harry gets through to the final room, where he finds himself faced with the man who left him scared to begin with.


First Line- Mr.and Mrs.Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”

Last Line-  “I’m going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer . . .”

My Favorite Quote- “You’re a wizard, Harry.”

Rating- 10/10 a classic. That’s all I have to say about this book. It was the first long chapter book I ever read in elementary school, and I honestly only read it because of how many reading points it would give me on the quiz, but i’m so glad I did! It’s one of those books that no matter what genre you tend to sway towards, will get you hooked anyway. It’s pretty clear how it ends, evident by the 6 other books in the series that follow it, but nonetheless it’s a book I think everyone should read at least once, just so you can say you have.

“The Handmaid’s Tale” By Margaret Atwood

Happy Thursday! Taking a small break from our ole faithful Colleen Hoover books (don’t worry they’ll be back shortly!), this weeks blog is gonna be on a book with a bit more seriousness to it. A staple on most aplit high school reading lists, “The Handmaids Tale” is a book that everyone should read, and hopefully this weeks book blog convinces you of it.

Synopsis- Based in The Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian society occupying what was formerly America, this novel follows Offred (Of-Fred), a handmaid who’s single responsibility in life in reproduction for the wealthy family she is assigned to due to declining birth rates of the new age. Offred describes her life during her third assignment as a Handmaid, in this case to Commander Fred who is formally referred to as The Commander. Throughout her first person narration of life as a handmaid, Offred has flashbacks, portions of her life from before and during the beginning of the revolution, from her failed attempt of an escape with her husband and daughter to Canada, to her indoctrination into life as a handmaid. Offred describes the structure of Gilead’s society, including the several different classes of women and the roles they play.

Although he is supposed to have contact with Offred only during “the Ceremony”, a ritual of conception, the commander begins an illegal relationship with her behind closed doors. He gives her “contraband” products, such as old fashion magazines, cosmetics and clothes, meeting with her in his study, where he allows her to read, an act otherwise prohibited for women. The Commander’s wife, Serena Joy, also has secret interactions with Offred, arranging for her to have a secret relationship with the commanders driver in an attempt to get her pregnant, as she believes the commander can no longer have children and wants one. In exchange for Offred’s cooperation, Serena Joy gives her news of her daughter, whom Offred has not seen since she and her family were captured trying to escape Gilead.

After Offred’s initial meeting with Nick, they begin to seeing eachother more frequently, behind the back of Serena Joy. Offred opens up, sharing information about her past with him that could potentially put them both in danger. Through another handmaid, Offred learns of the Mayday resistance, an underground network working to overthrow Gilead. Shortly after Offred’s learning of the Mayday resistance, the Commander’s wife finds evidence of the relationship between Offred and the Commander. Offred contemplates suicide to avoid the public shame that she’ll experience if exposed. As the novel concludes, Offred is being taken away by the secret police under orders from Nick. Before she is put in the large black van, Nick tells her that the men taking her are actually part of the Mayday resistance and that Offred must trust him. At this point Offred does not know if Nick is a member of the Mayday resistance or a government agent posing as one, and she does not know if going with the men will result in her escape or her capture. She enters the van with her future uncertain.

First Line- “We slept in what had once been the gymnasium.”

Last Line- “Are there any questions?”

My Favorite Quote- “Better never means better for everyone… It always means worse, for some.”

Rating- 8/10 This novel is one that has a lot of underlying meaning and messages. While my blog itself is only a very very brief rundown of the overall plot, this is one of those books that I could analyze for hours, with so many different interpretations and ways of comparing this seemingly unrealistic society to the direction ours seems to be turning in some ways. While i’ll admit that it was a bit slow for me to get into at the start, and took me a couple tries to fully commit to the read, this novel is one that I can’t recommend enough. While it leaves off with one of the biggest cliff-hangers i’ve ever experienced, and will certainly leave you incredibly upset with how it ends and searching for extra chapters to answer all your questions, it will also leave you moved in a way that i’ve never been by another book.