Currently being critized as a leader in “Fake News”, the NY Times has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes and has been around since 1851. It is the second largest by circulation newspaper in the US (Yours truly is a subscriber and very proficient completer of the crossword puzzle). While the editorial deparment is perceived to be liberal, there are few news outlets as respected as the NY Times for journalistic integrity. So suck it, Trump. The NY Times as a whole is completely unbiased.
The Wall Street Journal
Who has two thumbs and is the most circulated newspaper in America? This guy! (I subscribe to this newspaper, as well) Recipient of 37 Pulitzer Prizes, this newspaper embraces free market capitalism and has a natural pro-business lean towards its viewpoints. Even though it is a conservative-leaning newspaper, the WSJ does a superb job of providing detailed reporting regarding economic and business issues that few newspapers can match. The WSJ is largely unbiased, but not 100% so.
The Heritage Foundation
Few things originating from beer are ever good things, and the Heritage Foundation started from seed capital provided by Coors. This organization was created due to the belief that Richard Nixon. Yes, that Richard Nixon, was too liberal. The first sentence in the About Heritage states the promotion of conservative public policies. This organization is the epitome of unbiased.
What a diverse group of people!
The Brookings Institute
The Brookings Institute is a public policy think research “think tank” located in Washington, DC. Equally cited and adored/loathed by the left and the right, that fact alone makes it an unbiased source. In the What We Stand For section, it states: “Brookings’s commitment to institutional independence is rooted in the individual independence of its scholars. Therefore, the Institution does not take positions on issues.” They truly seem to strive to achieve that objective. Therefore, the Brookings Institute is an unbiased organization.
Economic Policy Institute
On the other side of the Heritage Foundation lies the Economic Policy Institute. A little bit more discreet, the EPI claims nonpartisan ideals, but does immediately disclose attention to “the needs of low and middle income workers in economic policy discussions”. What this means is that there is a decided bias to pro-labor and because of that, it must be categorized as a biased organization.
Derek Fisher
This left-wing lunatic nutjob was established in 1974. His father served as chief aide to Gus Yatron (D) PA 6th for ten years. While he was surrounded by a staunchly conservative community and has been in industries like financial services and oil&gas, this stalwart of progressive principles has not moved to a more centrist position. His policy statements include universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, environmental protection and conservation, decriminalizing marijuana, and classifying Republicans as a hate group.