Week Five: Physics
In the video we learned about angular size, parallax, perspective, and anamorphic images.
Challenge Details:
Once completed, send your photos to designingthefuture@PennStateOffice365.onmicrosoft.com with “Your Name – Week Three Physics Submission” as the subject line.
Materials needed:
- None
Do these three challenges for this week:
- Take at least one forced perspective illusion photograph & send it/them in. See how creative you can be! (We might share them at the weekly live session, so if you don’t want yours shown please indicate so on your submission.)
- We saw that a 3D photograph consists of two different photographs taken from slightly different angles. If you place the right eye view on the left and the left eye view on the right, you create a stereogram. Make a stereogram! Find or make an interesting scene and take left & right-eye images and then make a stereogram from them. Can you cross your eyes just enough to see the 3D image between them? Send in your stereogram.
- Wrap the flexible reflective plastic sheet you have in your kit around a paper towel tube or toilet paper tube or soda can to make a cylindrical mirror. Then with an adult, look for a “mirror anamorphic” picture you like, print it out, and use your cylindrical mirror to see the “secret” image! Send in a photograph that shows the original anamorphic image and the image in the mirror.
Have fun experimenting with perspective!
Dr. Van Hook
Need help? Email us and we’ll be happy to assist!