Welcome to Designing the Future!
Thank you for participating in our virtual Designing the Future camp! Here is where you will find all the information you need to complete the physics, manufacturing, and computer-aided-design (CAD) challenges over the next seven weeks. Your goal is to complete challenges in each of the three areas to earn badges.
What to Expect:
Each week, there will be three new challenges for you to complete and lesson content (such as videos and worksheets) that explain more about each challenge. You will work on these at your own pace throughout the week and submit your projects and any associated pictures or videos once you are done.
We will have optional virtual Zoom sessions throughout the week if you need help or if you would like to discuss any of the camp content in more detail! We also will have virtual sessions each week where you can interact with other campers and share your projects so far.
Camp Questions:
If you have questions about any of the camp content, email us at designingthefuture@PennStateOffice365.onmicrosoft.com. This sends the email to all camp instructors and the person who can best answer your question will respond.
Camp Rules:
Make sure to follow all rules and expectations when interacting with camp content via Zoom! These rules can be found in the Code of Conduct you signed before the start of camp. They also can be found here.
Let’s Get Started!
Once you have read the rules and watched the introduction video, you are ready for your first week of camp! Click on one of the topics to the right to start your first challenge.
Click on a challenge to get started!