Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

These Unexpected Things Are Ruining Your Sleep Quality


As college students, I know we don’t always get as much sleep as we should. We stay up all night on the weekdays to finish assignments, then wake up early and go to class in the morning. When the weekend rolls around, we might stay out late, then stay in bed past noon the next day. It turns out, there are actually more little things ruining our sleep quality that we don’t really think about.

What we might be doing wrong:

  1. Keeping our phones close to our beds

This is a mistake for a few reasons, one being that we become more tempted to stay up scrolling through our social media accounts, or texting. This, combined with setting our morning alarm on our phones could cause us to feel more hyper or anxious throughout the night.

2. Sleeping in on the weekends

Although it feels great to stay in bed until afternoon, it can seriously throw off our internal clocks. It is best to get up and go to bed at the same time every day – even on the weekends. Once we are used to this practice, we will have much more energy and will feel better throughout the day.

3. Keeping our bedrooms too warm

Many people believe it is better to keep the bedroom warm, because it makes them feel more tired. This is not the case. It is actually best to keep a temperature of anywhere between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Check out this article for more about the benefits of sleeping in a cooler room.


With finals week approaching, it is especially important that we are getting enough quality sleep. Hopefully these tips help!


Healthy Foods: Myth Busted


With the recent clean eating movement that has been a trend among millennials, many people think they are eating healthy foods, however this is not always the case. For example, people often think that ordering a salad over a burger at McDonald’s is the better choice, when in reality, it could actually be no more beneficial. Here are some foods that are not actually healthy, but appear to be so.

The “Healthy” Foods

  1. Granola

While a lot of granola is very healthy, some are loaded with sugars and extra calories. Nature Valley Oats ‘N Honey granola has 12 grams of sugar and 210 calories in just one half cup.


     2. Pre-bottled Smoothies

Naked brand smoothies can contain up to 50(!) grams of sugar, which is two times the recommended daily amount by the World Health Organization. It is much healthier to make your own smoothie so that are able to monitor the amount of sugar.

     3. Protein Bars

Like granola, while some protein bars can be very good for you, others can contain tons of added sugar and over 30 grams of carbs.

    4. Instant Oatmeal

Most instant oatmeal brands contain added sugar and artificial colors. Traditional oatmeal is a better choice. Check out this article for more about how to make oatmeal a healthier option.

Moral of the Story

To close, when making the choice to eat healthier, it is important to make sure you taking the time to read the packaging labels. Pay close attention to the amount of sugar, carbs and preservatives. Keep these tips in mind the next time you are grocery shopping. Good luck, and happy eating!



How To Eat Better For Your Workout

Healthy Eating Confusion

There is a lot is discrepancy as to what you should and shouldn’t eat before and after a workout. Many people wonder if they should even eat at all before or after they hit the gym.  This article explains what you should eat depends on the type of workout you are doing, and it changes based on when you will be eating.


So what should I eat?

Let’s say today’s workout is steady cardio, like running or the elliptical. You will need more carbs in your diet to provide you with energy. Eat something like whole wheat toast, with an egg or some carrots and hummus if you are eating before your workout. If you are waiting until after, you will need some more protein to help your body to recover. Try grilled chicken breast with brown rice.

If you’re more about strength training, you’ll want to increase your protein and fats. A good pre-workout snack is plain Greek yogurt with blue berries and a tablespoon of peanut butter. If you will be eating after you lift, salmon, kale, with some sweet potatoes and butter will provide you with the necessary nutrients to help your muscles recover.


One Last Tip

Many people make the mistake of not eating before they workout and then eating in excess after. This usually happens because people overestimate the amount of calories they burn during exercise. To combat this, try to schedule your meals around your workout for example, if you are exercising in the morning, eat a smaller snack like a banana with peanut butter beforehand and a full breakfast after. Check out this article to learn more about what to eat to help your fitness goals.





Unexpected Study Tips


Its finally the end of the semester!

While the end of the semester is an exciting time, its also filled with stress over final projects, presentations and exams. Finals week is quickly approaching and we can all use some study tips that are a little more exciting than sitting inside the library for hours. Buzzfeed recently posted an article called “17 Unexpected Studying Hacks”. I will not comment on all 17 of the tips, but will talk about the ones that I have found to be the most helpful.

The Tips

  1. Spray an unfamiliar scent while you study.

How many times do you smell a certain scent that reminds you of something from your past? It works for studying too! While you are studying, spray a scent, use a scented hand lotion, or light a scented candle that you have not used before. Then, use that same scent right before your exam to jog your memory.

2. Listen to calming music.

I have heard this tip before and honestly, I thought it was kind of weird. Then one day I decided to try it out and started listening to classical music while I studied. Now I can’t study without it and my grades have actually improved! My favorite music to listen to is the Classical for Studying Pandora station.

3. Hand write your notes.

It is proven that writing down notes during class helps with information retention later on. If your professor speaks too quickly, feel free to type your notes – but be sure to hand write them later. Writing in different colored pens also helps, and brightens up your studying!


Hopefully these tips are helpful during these last few weeks of school. Good luck and happy studying!