
I’m in a 100% teaching appointment, so research is not written into my job description.  However, listed below are the contributions I’ve been able to make.

Climate Change/Crop Productivity Web App

Web app for viewing crop productivity under climate change scenarios

I recently worked on a project with Penn State’s Center for Environmental Informatics that involved the development of a web app that provided access to maps showing the growing potential of various crops (based on soil characteristics and climate) along with the growing potential of those same crops under various climate change scenarios.

Air Mass Atlas

My Master’s thesis involved developing a methodology for drawing air mass boundaries based on surface weather observations made at stations across the U.S.  That work left off as a tedious set of manual steps, so in recent years I revisited the project with the goal of automating the process and building an atlas of daily air mass maps.  The atlas — which I’ve stopped maintaining — provided access to maps covering 1948-present.
Background on the Spatial Synoptic Classification (SSC)


Luo, H., Robinson, A.C., & Detwiler, J. (2014). Effect of Geographic Distance on Distance Education: An Empirical Study. Journal of Educators Online (JEO), 11(3), 1-26. Available at

Detwiler, J.E. 2008. Comparing Student Performance in Online and Blended Sections of a GIS Programming Class.  Transactions in GIS.  12:1, pp. 131-144.

Matthews, S.A., J.E. Detwiler and L.M. Burton 2005. Geo-ethnography: Coupling Geographic Information Analysis Techniques with Ethnographic Methods in Urban Research. Cartographica 40:4, pp. 75-90.

Detwiler, J. 2004. Development of a Custom GIS Application for Viewing Ethnographic Data. 2004 ESRI International User Conference Proceedings CD, Redlands, CA.

Hammer, C.S., J.S. Detwiler, J. Detwiler, G. Blood and C. Qualls 2004. Speech-language pathologists’ training and confidence in serving Spanish-English Bilingual children. Journal of Communication Disorders 37:2, pp. 91-108.


Detwiler, J.E. ArcGIS for Developers: Learn to Code, Esri Education User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 2019.

Detwiler, J.E. Fifteen Years of Developing GIS Developers: What Have We Learned?, Annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, CA, March 2016.

O’Brien, J.O., C. Williams, and J.E. Detwiler. What Tomorrow’s GIS Workforce Needs to Know About GIS Programming and Development – Are You Prepared?, Directions Magazine Geospatial Webinar, December 2012.

Detwiler, J.E. The Penn State Online Geospatial Education Dashboard: A One-Stop Shop for Program Management and Advising, Association for Institutional Research Forum, New Orleans, LA, June 2012.

Detwiler, J.E. Online Courses for GIS Developers Offered by Penn State, Esri Developer
Summit, Palm Springs, CA, March 2012.

Detwiler, J.E. Development of an Online Historical Air Mass Atlas, Annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Boston, MA, March 2008.

Detwiler, J.E. Adult professionals online versus undergraduates in the classroom – comparing performance in a GIS programming and customization class. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 2007.

Detwiler, J.E. Development of a Custom GIS Application for Viewing Ethnographic Data. 2004 ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, CA, August 2004.

Hammer, C.S., J.S. Detwiler and J.E. Detwiler Assessment Practices of SLPs When Serving Bilingual Children. Poster presentation with C. Hammer et al., Department of Communication Disorders. Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2002.

Matthews, S.A. and J.E. Detwiler Viewing people and places: conceptual and methodological issues in coupling geographic information analysis and ethnographic data.  GIS and Critical Geographic Research Conference, Hunter College, New York NY, February 2001.

Pre-conference GIS workshop.  Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, George Mason University, Arlington VA, March 2001, and University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles CA, March 2000.

Smoyer, K.E., L.S. Kalkstein, and J.E. Detwiler Housing and Population Risk Factors in Heat-Related Mortality. American Meteorological Society’s 13th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 2, 1998.

Smoyer, K.E., L.S. Kalkstein, and J.E. Detwiler Looking Beyond Climate: an Inter-Urban Analysis of Housing and Population Factors in Heat-Related Mortality. Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA, March 1998.

Detwiler, J.E. Air Mass Mapping for Use in Environmental Analysis. American Meteorological Society’s 10th Conference on Applied Climatology, Reno, NV, October 22, 1997.

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