Image result for boating quote

What keeps me motivated and striving for success? Does it sound too unbelievable if I say the water? Because I do think the answer to this question is the water. Not the water we drink or are made up of, but the water that makes the rivers, the lakes, the bays, and the oceans. This is what motivates me in life.

Yea, water is just a physical substance that is part of life. There is a lot more to it in my perspective. It is difficult to explain something that might not sound as logical to people who have not had the same experiences as me. So this might seem more like a metaphor.

The water is what calms me. When I am around it, I grow more relaxed. It seems like all the stress slips away and I am suddenly on vacation. In my head, it almost feels like two different worlds. It feels like that is where I am supposed to be. It feels like a new sense of home.

Image result for boating quote

I don’t even have to be around it to get these effects. While going through photos of the water in the summer, thinking about memories on the water, and even writing all these blogs, it creates similar effects–I mean not nearly as effective, but still. When I am in the cold, at school, and even in my sleep, these memories and emotions I have attached to the water constantly flood my head.

Maybe it is some of the memories I have while being on or around the water that create these feelings. The memories of joy. The memories of meeting new friends. The memories of pizza dock parties. The memories of sunset tie-downs. And the memories of being behind the steering wheel.No automatic alt text available.

Image result for you cant buy happiness but you can buy a boat

Is money a motivating factor for my future? No and yes. The money itself means nothing unless I can use it to bring me and my loved ones happiness. While people may judge, I do not think there is any issue with being motivated to work hard to be rewarded monetarily which turns into gratifying life experiences. To bring the quality of happiness that I desire in my future, I am driven to work intensely to obtain a career that provides a level of income to advance my family’s lifestyle in the amount of happiness and time spent together.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Darrell Kirban and Devyn Kirban, people smiling

How does family motivates me if my main motivation is the water? Believe it or not, family is part of this water motivation. My family has sacrificed so much in order to better my life. I could do a whole another series of blogs on this alone. I have two absolutely wonderful parents and role models. They have done everything to get me to the place where I am today, and for that I will forever be grateful and blessed. I believe there is no possible way to do what they have done for me, but I know that I will spend my life aiming to get closer to that impossible task. In the future I urge for, they are by my side through the whole journey. My success equals their success. And my future on the water equals their future on the water and is a dream come true.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Devyn Kirban, people smiling                   Image may contain: 3 people, including Darrell Kirban and Devyn Kirban

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If I was asked what is happiness to me, I would definitely say that it is boating down the river with friends and family. This is true happiness in my world, and currently I am on the path of hard work and dedication to a career that can allow my this true happiness for life. A dream I won’t stop chasing.

~The AquaholicImage may contain: one or more people, people sitting, ocean, outdoor, nature and water

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