Vol. X
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In this volume:
The Masking of a Medical Crisis: How U.S. Presidents Have Failed to Reduce the Organ Transplant Waiting List
By Michelle Howard
Stanford University
Like a Dog with a Bone: How U.S. v. Stevens Keeps the Door Open for
Animal Law
By Sarah Catherine Montgomery
University of Southern California
On Integrity: Why Religion Fails to Deserve Special Treatment Regarding Legal Exemptions
By Blake Center
University of Virginia
Bearing Witness to Bearing Arms: Can We Solve Our Mass Shooting Epidemic?
By Sarah Vicol
Stanford University
Lobbying in the United States: A Closer Look at Loopholes
By Madison Stromswold
Pennsylvania State University
Disciplinary Power in an Age of Mass Surveillance
By Jared Kelly
The University of California at Berkeley
Tobacco Control in the United States: Why the U.S. Should Consider Creating a Generation of Non-smokers
By Nicholas Edward Griffin
Pennsylvania State University at Abington
Exploring Day Programs for Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Provider’s Perspective
By Alice Felker
University of Notre Dame
Administrative Failure or Blatant Transphobia: The Adverse Relationship Between Transgender Folks and the Criminal Justice System that Must be Addressed
By William Connor
Pennsylvania State University at Abington
The New Wave of Race as Biological: Making Sense of One’s Identity within a Genetic Context
By Susanna Williams
Whitman College
A Brief Review of Research on Forms of Instruction
By Kevin Butler
Illinois Wesleyan University