Student Competitions

Students and organizations that seek to officially represent Penn State Dickinson Law through the participation in skills based competitions must submit a proposal outlining the following along with their request for travel funding.  The proposal should go into detail on each topic so the law school administration can properly assess if participation is in the best interest of the institution.  The support of a faculty advisor/coach is required.  Students do not receive academic credit for participating in these competitions.

  • Basic details on the competition students want to participate in
  • Value provided to the school and its students by this competition
  • Confirmed advisor/coach
  • Competitor selection process (there must be a way for students to get selected to be on the team)
  • Preparation and practice plan for success
  • Budget request (registration fee, airfare or mileage and lodging are the only covered costs)
  • Whether or not competition participation is expected into the future