Published research

Barbara Geddes, Joseph Wright, and Erica Frantz. 2014. “Autocratic Breakdown and Regime Transitions.Perspectives on Politics 12(2): 313-331

  1. Andrea Kendall-Taylor, Erica Frantz, and Joseph Wright. 2017. “The Global Rise Personalized PoliticsThe Washington Quarterly  40(1): 7-19
  2. Erica Frantz and Elizabeth A. Stein. 2017. “Countering Coups: Leadership Succession Rules in Dictatorships.” Comparative Political Studies Forthcoming
  3. Erica Frantz and Andrea Kendall-Taylor. 2017. “Pathways to democratization in personalist dictatorships.” Democratization 24(1): 20-40
  4. Andrea Kendall-Taylor, Erica Frantz, and Joseph Wright. 2016. “The New Dictators: Why Personalism Rules.” Foreign Affairs Snapshot      Foreign Affairs Best of the Web, 2016
  5. George Derpanopoulos, Barbara Geddes, Erica Frantz, and Joseph Wright. 2016. “Are Coups Good for Democracy?Research & Politics 3(1):
  6. Joseph Wright and Daehee Bak. 2016. “Measuring Autocratic Regime Instability.”   Research & Politics 3(1): DOI: 10.1177/2053168015625078
  7. Abel Escribà-Folch and Joseph Wright. 2015. Foreign Pressure and the Politics of Autocratic Survival. Oxford University Press
  8. Deniz Aksoy, David B. Carter, and Joseph Wright. 2015. “Terrorism and the Fate of Dictators.” World Politics 67(3): 423–468
  9. Abel Escribà-Folch and Joseph Wright. 2015. “Human Rights Prosecutions and Autocratic Survival.” International Organization 69(2): 343–373
  10. Joseph Wright, Erica Frantz, and Barbara Geddes. 2015. ”Oil and Autocratic Regime Survival.British Journal of Political Science 45(2): 287–306     featured on the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog
  11. Erica Frantz and Andrea-Kendall Taylor. 2014. “A dictator’s toolkit: Understanding how co-optation affects repression in autocracies.” Journal of Peace Research 51(3): 332-346
  12. Erica Frantz, Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Natasha Ezrow. 2014. “Autocratic Fate: How Leaders’ Post-Tenure Expectations Influence the Behavior of Dictatorships.” Whitehead Journal of International Diplomacy. 15(1)
  13. Barbara Geddes, Erica Frantz, and Joseph Wright. 2014. “Military Rule.” Annual Review of Political Science 17: 147-162
  14. Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz. 2014. “What Strongmen Have to Fear.” Foreign Policy Democracy Lab (June 2, 2014)
  15. Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz. 2014. “How Autocracies Fall.The Washington Quarterly. 37(1): 35-47
  16. Erica Frantz and Elizabeth A. Stein. 2012. “Comparative Leadership in Non-Democracies.” in Comparative Political Leadership, ed. Ludger Helms. London: Palgrave MacMillan
  17. Natasha Ezrow and Erica Frantz. 2011. “State Institutions and The Survival of Dictatorships.” Journal of International Affairs Vol. 46 No. 1

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation BCS-0904478 and BCS-0904463