This piece was inspired by the Bacchus, created by Caravaggio. This movement was characterized by artists including the faces of religious and political figures, the people that were famous for that time. I chose to place Timothee Chalamet’s head over Bacchus’ to show a change in who society now worships in a way, it’s movie star celebrities. In order to mimic the color and lighting in the painting already, I utilized a few different tools in Photoshop, specifically contrast, color balance, and exposure. I also smoothed his face to better merge the two photos.
TheArtStory describes the Baroque:
In 1527 Europe, religious dominance had the power to direct and inform the content and climate of society’s artistic output. At the time, a backlash against the conservative Protestant Reformation was compelled by the Catholic Church to re-establish its importance and grandeur within society. Artists followed suit by reviving Renaissance ideals of beauty, infusing into the era’s artwork, music, and architecture a revived nod to classicism further enhanced by a new exuberant extravagance and penchant for the ornate. This highly embellished style was coined Baroque and became marked by its innovative techniques and details, delivering a lush new visual language into what had been a relatively toned down period for art.
A few of the more recognized artists from this art period include Bernini and Rubens.