In a last-minute “budget-trailer bill,” California’s legislature passed, and Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed, a mandate that the state give gun-owners’ personal data to the University of California Firearm Violence Research Center (UCFC) at UC Davis. The UCFC was created by the state of California in 2017 and is funded by the state. This detailed, personal data on California’s legal gun owners—down to Social Security numbers—that the UCFC could now be getting (this legislation went into effect as soon as it was signed into law) and sharing with affiliated groups has long been sought by Garen J. Wintemute, M.D., the director of UCFC. The UCFC’s director, Dr. Wintemute, is a physician who thinks that guns are a disease that needs to be treated with a heavy dose of gun control.
Read more:
Cramer, C. E. (2021, December 1). California Grabs Gun-owners’ Data. America’s 1st Freedom.