This is how it works: the (world’s first) smart vibrator uses AI, sensors that measure tension, temperature and motion, and biofeedback to record your arousal and orgasm on a chart. Vaginal contractions are visualised as spikes or a circle that contracts and expands, so you can learn how your body responds to different speeds, motions, and outside circumstances – you can tag masturbation sessions with external factors like alcohol, drugs, stress, sleep, mood and caffeine.
The aim is to help users learn more about their bodies and give them a better grasp of their orgasms – what makes them tick. It’s not just about the individual, though. The Lioness team also collect and aggregate the data (anonymously with permission) of their thousands of users to build a better understanding of female/AFAB arousal and orgasms. Earlier this year, for example, Lioness research was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in a study by Charles University in Prague which identified three patterns of orgasm.
Read more:
Peters, A. (2022, November 14). Want to see your orgasm? Measure its strength? Try the Lioness vibrator. Dazed Beauty.