Feminist scholars have called attention to technologically-facilitated forms of sexual expression (cybersex), fuelled by the emergence of portable, participatory social media, as well as its shadow side, technologically-facilitated forms of sexual violence (cyber-rape). This paper explores one common digital-age practice that can be consensual or non-consensual and oppressive—the dick pic—to raise questions about gender, bodies, privacy, and violence in technology-mediated communication. Today’s convergence of sexual and information privacy calls for feminists to reconceive the ethics of sexual privacy; the harm of sexual violence, both online and face-to-face; the digital sexual citizenship we might espouse; and the types of new technological practices that enable women’s ability to participate in digital sexual expression while resisting its oppressive forms.
Read more:
McCaughey, M. & Cermele, J. (2023). When Sexual and Information Privacy Converge: The Case of Digital Dick Pics. Feminist Philosophy and Emerging Technologies. Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003275992-13/sexual-information-privacy-converge-martha-mccaughey-jill-cermele