Tech Gate is a pink slime news site, a website masquerading as a news source that is filled with poor-quality reporting (usually no reporting) or AI-generated articles and that may be used by political operatives to launder opinion pieces.
Last year, I spoke with Charlie Melvin, publisher of the Richmond Observer, who showed me a pink slime site doing the same thing with his organization’s local stories. He worried that at scale, AI would cheapen the value of original content — since it could be easily plagiarized on networks of sketchy websites.
This episode highlights a few challenges for news outlets. One: How can you compete with unethical outlets in the age of generative AI? And two: How do I protect my intellectual property?
Read more:
Mahadevan, A. (2024, June 28). A pink slime site used AI to rewrite our AI ethics article. Poynter.