New AI Tools Are Promoted as Study Aids for Students. Are They Doing More Harm Than Good? – EdSurge
But as she tried the tool more, and put in documents on complex subjects that she knew well, she noticed… read more
But as she tried the tool more, and put in documents on complex subjects that she knew well, she noticed… read more
Individuals and organizations are still struggling with how and how much to integrate AI into daily life. Rarely has that… read more
The student cofounders of an AI studying tool won a $10,000 entrepreneurship prize from Emory University for their idea, were… read more
The cost of round-the-clock convenience is their privacy. During exams, their every movement is captured on their computer’s webcam and… read more
“Once we become accustomed to an ecosystem where everything is collected, it both becomes harder to change and we become… read more
Over the course of the spring semester, Hahn noticed a pattern of these false positives. Turnitin’s tool was much more… read more
As customer and media interest grew in GPTZero, Tian realized he had built something that could be a full-fledged startup…. read more
In the case of GPTZero — which goes off “a large, diverse corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, with a… read more
Like any tool, language models can be used poorly or used with skill. And that skill also depends on context:… read more
The bigger concern is how ChatGPT concentrates wealth for its owners off of copyrighted work. It’s not clear if the… read more