Amazon is trying to scare you into buying its new indoor security drone
Newman, J. (2020, September 25). Amazon is trying to scare you into buying its new indoor security drone. Fast Company. … read more
Newman, J. (2020, September 25). Amazon is trying to scare you into buying its new indoor security drone. Fast Company. … read more
A project from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to document police surveillance tech in local communities. The Atlas of Surveillance is… read more
Gault, M. (2020, June 30). Arizona cops use drone surveillance to arrest protesters. Motherboard. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/5dzdeq/arizona-cops-use-drone-surveillance-to-arrest-protesters
The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s guide to law enforcement spying technology: https://www.eff.org/issues/street-level-surveillance