Glossary of Artificial Intelligence Terms for Educators – CIRCLS
This glossary was written for educators to reference when learning about and using artificial intelligence (AI). We will start with… read more
This glossary was written for educators to reference when learning about and using artificial intelligence (AI). We will start with… read more
A collection of resources for educators curious about how AI affects their students and their syllabi
From 1960 to 2023, French was Mali’s official language. But in June last year, the military government replaced it in… read more
Articles from the EDUCAUSE Review Cybersecurity & Privacy section:
Many colleges started using remote third-party proctoring services after the shift to remote teaching forced by the pandemic last spring…. read more
Educational technology critic Audrey Watters writes at Hack Education:
Data Doubles is an IMLS-funded, multi-year, multi-institution research project examining student perspectives on library participation in learning analytics initiatives. The… read more
Common Sense Media applies Fair Information Practice Principles to assess the privacy-friendliness of popular ed tech and instructional games.