Paying Twice to Learn – Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
College students today might be paying more than tuition—their personal privacy could be at risk, too. Our new report uncovers… read more
College students today might be paying more than tuition—their personal privacy could be at risk, too. Our new report uncovers… read more
This system compares a user image to images from merchant listings to find a “visual similarity measure” between the two…. read more
In recent years, governments and tech companies alike have begun looking to artificial intelligence for better solutions than those the… read more
Rather than governments imposing draconian obligations on platforms in ways that are likely to restrict teens’ access to quality information,… read more
While some of this data, and its collection, may appear harmless to some, what happens behind the scenes is a… read more
When clean rooms were first introduced, they served as secure, protected environments where personally identifiable information was anonymized, processed and… read more
When people use a VR headset, biometric data is collected to create avatars. Even though that data may not be… read more
While one data broker might only be able to tie my shopping behavior to something like my IP address, and… read more
Bode, K. (2019, February 3). Researchers find ‘anonymized’ data is even less anonymous than we thought. Vice. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/dygy8k/researchers-find-anonymized-data-is-even-less-anonymous-than-we-thought
Campbell-Dollaghan, K. (2018, December 10). Sorry, your data can still be identified even if it’s anonymized. Fast Company. Retrieved from https://www.fastcompany.com/90278465/sorry-your-data-can-still-be-identified-even-its-anonymized