Designing for and Reflecting upon Resilience in Health and Wellbeing
A DIS 2023 Workshop | July 11, 2023 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAResilience has been a long-standing theme in HCI research and design. This one-day workshop will bring together HCI researchers, interaction designers, health- care professionals, healthcare service users, and carepartners to critically reflect upon the epistemological stances on resilience and foreground the notion of resilience in health and wellbeing research. Our workshop themes include: 1) reflecting upon the diverse conceptualizations of resilience; 2) designing for resilience from a social justice perspective; 3) designing for multi-stakeholder resilience for individuals, families, communities, and society.
Call for Participation
Enhancing resilience has been a long-standing mission in HCI research, particularly in healthcare contexts. There has been a significant amount of work on designing for resilience in health and wellbeing, although some of the work may not directly use the term “resilience”. For instance, there has been rich research concerning individuals’ adaptive practices in the face of adversity and how technology design can support stressful situations such as chronic illness, carepartner burden, mental health struggles, health infrastructural breakdown, and public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, prior work has different conceptualizations of resilience (e.g., resilience as a personal trait vs resilience as a dynamic, ongoing process), tackles resilience at different scales (e.g., individual, family, community), and focuses on resilience as the ability to adapt to adversity, which warrants a broader discussion and critical reflection. For example, rather than considering resilience as adaptation to adversity, from a social justice perspective, we may ask what creates adversity in the first place and how researchers can approach related issues.
To broaden and deepen our understanding of and design for resilience in health and wellbeing, this one-day workshop aims to bring together researchers from diverse methodological, theoretical, and topical backgrounds to critically reflect upon the epistemological stances on resilience and foreground the notion of resilience in health and wellbeing research, identify and characterize the research space situated at the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI), health informatics, and design research, to form meaningful conversations across disciplinary contexts, and to collectively envision a resilient health and wellbeing research agenda.
Our workshop themes (Please refer to the workshop proposal for detail) include:
- Reflecting upon the diverse conceptualizations of resilience.
- Designing for resilience from a social justice perspective.
- Designing for multi-stakeholder resilience for individuals, families, communities, and society.
We invite researchers, interaction designers, health service users, carepartners, and healthcare practitioners to submit abstracts (300-500 words) or short papers (2-4 pages, plus references) related to resilience in health and wellbeing. We welcome diverse types of submissions, such as design artifacts, work-in-progress or past research projects, autoethnography, position statements, literature reviews, and case studies.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Individual, family, group, and community resilience in tackling health conditions and health service breakdowns.
- Technology design to enhance resilience.
- Activism in health and wellbeing.
- Theoretical perspectives on resilience.
To submit, please format your work using the ACM Primary Article Template and email it to by June 10, 2023. Submissions do not need to be anonymized.
The organizers will evaluate all the submissions. Authors of accepted submissions will be notified by June 15th. These papers will form the basis of the group discussions at the workshop. Accepted papers will be posted on this website under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International).
At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop, and all participants must register for the workshop (at least one day of the conference). We will support hybrid participation from both remote and in-person attendees. For questions about the submission process, please contact us at
Key Dates
Submission: June 10, 2023
Notification: June 15, 2023
Workshop: July 11, 2023
Where It’s At
215 (Design Grad Lounge)
Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Mellon University