From Gamer to Data Scientist, Entrepreneur, and (hopefully) Tech Changemaker
Growing up, my father introduced me to the world of technology, specifically through video games. This sparked my passion for tech, which flourished during my time at Penn State. Over 4.5+ years, I pursued a major in Computational Data Sciences and honed my data science, machine learning, and AI skills. I fell in love with entrepreneurship and the potential of using technology for social good.
Finding My Voice as a Leader
In high school, I took on the role of president of my school’s computer club. As the first female president of my school’s computer club, this was a turning point.
This experience laid the foundation for my pursuits at Penn State. I embraced various leadership roles: a two-time founder, a leader in 4+ technical clubs, a Global Engineering Fellow, and, most importantly, a collaborator. My experiences allowed me to work with diverse individuals from different disciplines, backgrounds, and countries.
A significant milestone was leading my team of 15+ students to the finals of the 2021 Nittany AI Challenge with my mental healthcare startup, Apoio. This achievement brought my startup recognition in various accelerators, including Microsoft Imagine Cup ’22, AWS University Startup Competition ’21, Nittany AI Challenge ’21, and Happy Valley Launchbox ’22.
The Entrepreneurial Spirit that Changed My Life
My entrepreneurial journey began as a freshman in the Engineering 310 Entrepreneurial Leadership course.
During this course, I took an embedded study-abroad trip to Israel. This incredible experience showed me that entrepreneurship comes from solving real-world problems rather than just pitching ideas. I’m a firm believer that everyone has the potential to become an entrepreneur or innovator as long as they possess the passion, vision, and perseverance to make it happen.
Building a Community through Technical Clubs
On campus, I was involved in various technical clubs, such as the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC), where I served as Vice President.
I found joy in sharing my love for technology by leading weekly sessions on various tech topics, such as machine learning and web development. I also served as a Technical Program Manager at CodePath, where I partnered with Girls Who Code (GWC) to guide fellow students through Android development sessions. These experiences helped me discover my passion for teaching, mentoring, and breaking down complex technical concepts.
It was through these clubs that I found a supportive community, enabling me to grow as a leader and technical professional.
A Childhood Passion That Became a Lifelong Mission
My love for technology started with video games and grew as I tinkered with my computer.
In ninth grade, I was captivated by the announcement of Microsoft HoloLens (the same event Windows 10 was announced!), which solidified my pursuit of AI and data science.
I couldn’t stop gushing over the possibilities of augmented reality, especially to my dad—a cardiac surgeon (and a big Iron Man fan). I still remember the day I watched the live announcement and excitedly shared all these cool creations using augmented reality with him. I excitedly explained how technology like HoloLens could one day support him as a doctor and that this was just the beginning of what was possible.
Although he didn’t always get the technical jargon, it was easy for him to understand what I was talking about when I said:
“Dad, it’s kinda like BARF + Jarvis! You can literally be Tony Stark in your OT (operation theater)!”
30 minutes into this conversation, it was crystal clear to us both that I was meant for a career in tech, solving problems through technology, and that my superpower would be in AI.
The Future Awaits
My drive to make a difference stems not only from my love for technology but also from my father’s passion for his work as a cardiac surgeon and my family’s experiences with mental health. These influences have fueled my determination to bridge the gap in mental healthcare and find innovative solutions to improve lives.
With a strong foundation in data science, software, and entrepreneurship, and a newfound appreciation for language’s role in connecting people, I’ve embarked on my full-time journey as a Solutions Engineer at Deque. I’m also independently researching and building language models for Indian languages to contribute to state-of-the-art NLP tech in an underrepresented yet significant market.
I’m excited to see where my journey takes me. My passion for making technology accessible, intuitive, and empowering for everyone drives me to impact the world positively.
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