How would you want the world to end? I’m definitely not bringing this up because of mass panic over some disease that sounds like STUPID-19 (haha gottem). Legitimately, what would be the ideal way for the world to end?
I should also be a little more clear in what I mean. Although it would be fun to discuss the end of the human race, that’s too mainstream. When I mean the end of the world, I’m talking about the end of Earth and life on the planet as we know it.
What I find crazy about the question is that it’s not as crazy as it sounds. With the way global warming is going, it’s a definite future. At this point, I’m pretty sure we’ll find some way to live on the Moon or Mars before we stop abusing the planet to death.
Now, let’s imagine this was the chosen ideal scenario: the Earth is destroyed by global warming and humans escape to Mars. What does that make humans? We officially become planet destroyers. Does that mean Mars will meet the same fate, or would humans unlock the achievement of learning from past mistakes by that time? And if the very likely former occurs, how would humans be any different from a virus?
I would like to say I have faith in humanity for not becoming a literal parasite of the galaxy like so many sci-fi shows indicate, but I really think it’s a strong possibility. Although I hate to admit it, inherently, I agree with the old man Thomas Hobbes, people are inherently ‘bad’ and require civilization to exercise ‘good’. Need proof? I present: the coronavirus hoarders. Case closed.
For real though, the definition of ‘bad’ and and ‘good’ can be very complex and I realize that. It’s possible that the hoarder is actually someone trying to get supplies for their elderly family who really can’t go out during this major historical event. However, it’s difficult to justify the streets not turning into scenes from The Purge without the support of civilization and government assurance. Based on this, I don’t think we need movies or tv shows to let us know what post-apocalyptic humanity would look like.
So, if this were the case, would it be a good thing to let humanity live in an ideal ending of the Earth? Would life be better off if we saved something else instead, like perhaps populating Mars with forests or growth-oriented species? Maybe, by that point, we could create artificial intelligence to take care of those new populations to ensure we give nature another chance.
To be honest, either outcome is fine by me, what I’m concerned about are the dogs of the world. If they die along with the Earth, I will John Wick the universe.
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