For my advocacy project, I’m currently planning on advocating for the removal of the kickoff from American football in order to help eliminate injuries caused by kickoffs, particularly concussions. Of course, the audience I’m looking to display my message for would be fans of football, particularly those on the internet.
Here’s the rough estimates of the steps I’m planning to do and when I plan to have these steps complete:
- Further research investigation into the problem, injury statistics, and proposed solutions (Now – April 6th)
- Outreach to public forums like Reddit to gain understanding of opinions from audiences like r/NFL and r/CFB, considering alternatives, etc. (April 6th – April 11th)
- Possible outreach to Jon Bois, creator of this video and the man who got me to believe in eliminating the kickoff (April 6th-11th)
- Collection of data/information, final forming of opinions and proposed solutions, preparation for project execution (April 11th – April 13th)
- Creation of YouTube video detailing my advocating for the removal of the kickoffs, public opinion, and proposed solutions; sharing of video through social media, possible support of Jon Bois (April 13th – April 20th)
- Possible creation of petition to NFL/NCAA to remove the kickoff detailing the ideas expressed in my video (not main part of advocacy project, but a part of it) (April 13th – April 20th)
- Submission of evidence/project (April 23rd)
Possible limting factors:
- This could be a topic in which there is not much research on yet.
- I may not receive the necessary feedback from the people I plan on contacting.
- I may not be able to reach as wide of an audience as I hope with my video.
Contingency plans:
- If I don’t receive enough support or information from football-related subreddits, I may have to broaden my audience to include people who are not as informed or as serious about football. (April 6th – April 11th)
- If I am unable to successfully advocate my ideas by myself, I may have to enlist the help of some friends from CommRadio or PSSN to help make the message more widespread. (April 13th-20th)
- If I am unable to receive contact from Jon Bois, I may look into contacting other advocates of removing kickoffs. (who I can learn about from doing more research) (April 11th-13th)