Mental Exercises to Dispel Anxiety

Sometimes, when we find ourselves at our lowest, we let our anxiety get the best of us. When everything that could possibly go wrong has, it can be tempting to throw our hands up in the air and surrender to the voice in the back of our heads. In these times we not only listen to the dark thoughts, we believe in them and even add fuel to the fire. Before you know it, one intrusive thought leads to the next, and it’s like a snowball rolling from the top of a snow-covered mountain: initially small and unthreatening, but grows and picks up momentum, becoming an unyielding force of negativity.

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It can be tempting to give in to these thoughts- to be the one to first push the snowball down the mountain- and make a small problem much larger than it really is. Obviously, this would be the worst thing you could do for yourself. Although it is healthy to have some form of emotional release every now and then, these kinds of thoughts will only lead towards low self-confidence and unproductivity.

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It’s important to recognize when these thoughts begin to take form- when the snowball has yet to be pushed down the mountain- and to stop yourself from taking them any further. Make the conscious decision to stay away from these thoughts, and choose instead to distract yourself through any of the methods described below.

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Practice deep breathing. This method is among the most immediately effective in this list. After about two to three minutes of breathing exercises, your heart rate will begin to slow, forcing your body and mind to calm down. Similar to physical exercise, this activity will help you clear your mind and feel more relaxed. Although there are several exercises to choose from, my personal favorites are belly and alternative breathing. You can learn more about these methods in the videos below.

Set long term goals. This is a great way to get yourself out of the present. Whatever may be worrying you now will not last forever, and thinking of the future will help you to realize that. Your goals can focus on whatever you’d like; perhaps the goals can focus around something that makes you happy, or a solution to a problem you are facing now. Whatever you choose, be sure to make your goals realistic and positive- give yourself something to look forward to.

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Make lists. If you are a type A person, you may love this option. Again, what these lists are of is to your discretion, however there are some lists that might be more beneficial in certain situations. Say you’re stressed about the amount of work that needs to be done- make a to do list prioritizing what must be done first. If your day was not that great, make a list of everything that went well in the past week. So what if you didn’t do so great on your lab report? At least you got your favorite pasta for lunch! Find all the little things that made your day or week better, and appreciate those moments. Or, list things to look forward to: the next football or hockey game, your favorite club meeting, Thanksgiving break, the new semester. The possibilities are endless, you just need to see them.

“You are more than the mistakes you’ve made. You are the wisdom, love, strength and compassion you’ve gained from all you’ve been through.”

Karen Salmansohn

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