Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

Welcome back to the final week of blogging! As you may know, this week’s blog is going to dive into the pros and cons of nuclear energy. So let’s just jump right into it! By far, the biggest pro of nuclear energy is that it produces zero carbon waste. This means it produces no carbon […]

Ideas for Issue Brief

When Dr. Fonash was talking about the issue brief, the issue that immediately popped into my head was nuclear power. As you can tell, I am pretty passionate about nuclear power. However, I think nuclear power policy would be pretty hard to talk about in the issue brief. The policy in place is not necessarily […]

Common Misconceptions about ADHD

It is time to get into the fun part, the phycological and mental effects of ADHD. But, there is a bit of a problem: there are many myths and misconceptions about ADHD that should be cleared up. Before I was diagnosed with ADHD, I believed many of these so now that I know better, I […]

The Science of ADHD

What, exactly, is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD? Well, there are two different routes you can take to answer this question. You can explain the psychological and mental effects of the disorder, or you can explain the physical effects and biological processes that ADHD causes. In order to fully understand ADHD and its effects, […]

Where I’m From

I’m from the city that sleeps Empty roads after the clock strikes ten I’m from catching crawfish in the afternoon The land of cricks and creeks, not streams or brooks I’m from slang like Yin’s and J’eatyet  Originating in the city of bridges and steel I’m from the big game on Sunday Watching the tiny […]