It’s Corona Time

How do I feel about this whole situation? Well, I’m certainly more pissed than anything else because I hate living in New York with a passion. I would love to be in State College right now, hanging around campus, enjoying the awesome spring weather and outdoor sports, but instead, I’m forced to be under quarantine in Brooklyn with a bunch of my friends who couldn’t care less to study. At the end of the day, having online classes is a major inconvenience for me and the rest of the Penn State Student body, and it’s obviously not at the fault of anyone. This is a pretty strange time in modern history for everyone: no sports, restaurant closures, no public outings, and students across America cannot go to school. Arguably, the virus might be worse for professors. Most students can figure out how to use online education easily, while for many older teachers- not John- it’s a complete dumpster fire- especially when they can’t control outside noises by other students. I do feel bad for my senior friends, that they won’t be experiencing their last semester or possibly not having a graduation ceremony, but this virus is bigger than those accomplishments (sorry not sorry). Once this crap ends, we will have the craziest party this country has ever seen, but as of now, you can go to Champs and walk across the stage with your diploma in one hand and a dirty sprite in the other.

My opinion on the coronavirus is simple, let’s get rid of this shit as fast as possible. We as a society have to get on the same page and follow a few rules of common practice such as social distancing, washing hands frequently, and making sure to quarantine yourself if you do not feel healthy enough to be exposed to the public. Our response to the virus came a bit late, but the politics of the issue have no matter at this point. We need to stop looking at the stock market, realize that the government of China is at fault for allowing travel months before the outbreak and silencing their doctors for reporting the virus all the way back in December. That’s it. Another issue we have as selfish assholes. STOP HOARDING TOILET PAPER, CONSTRUCTION MASKS, WATER, AND SANITIZER. Our supply chains are still operational and stores will stock up. I understand that some people have never used toilet paper before and are practicing, but save some for the rest of us. Masks will not lower the likelihood of you contracting the virus, which means you’re taking them from medical professionals who actually need them, and water will definitely not be contaminated. Also, side rant, why is all the sanitizer sold out but not the soap. Soap is more effective, which makes me think that people don’t like to wash their hands at all. 

The timing of the virus sucks, but hopefully, we can make the best of this situation. Learn some new skills, read up on books, binge some shows, and meditate- it might just help.

Stay safe, stay healthy, Hope to see Y’all soon

P.S. I’ve been waiting to use this mask for a while now.

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