For The Homeless, Every Day Is A Struggle


By a show of hands, how many of you have seen a homeless person before? If you’ve ever been to a large city or densely populated area, I’m assuming you’ve seen one before. As the cost of living continues to go up, many people can’t adjust. This is causing the amount of homeless people in America to rise. The Department of Housing and Urban Development counted around 582,000 Americans experiencing homelessness in 2022. Not to mention the estimated 84,526 homeless people living in New York. As depicted in the ad, homeless people struggle for food every day and they have to go to extreme measures to eat, like eating out of the trash or in some cases, stealing. Another important fact about homelessness is that it touches upon three of the sustainable development goals. These goals are no poverty, zero hunger, and good health and well being. We as one society have the power to help get rid of homelessness in this country. By just doing simple things like donating and volunteering at a shelter, you can help get rid of homelessness.

Thank you.

Categories: RCL