From 4 Strings to 6 Strings

John Mayer's guitar gear: what you need to nail the super-smooth  six-stringer's sweet blues tones | Guitar World

By far one of my biggest passions is music. I’ve been playing music since the fourth grade when I learned how to play the drums. For many years, the drums was the sole instrument that I played. It wasn’t until sophomore year in high school when first learned how to play the bass guitar. My friends and I formed a little garage band and when there was no one to play the bass I stepped in. One big thing that helped me pick up on how to play was already having an understanding of music and how it works. A lot of people always say “Oh I could never play and instrument, it seems way to hard”. In some ways, this may be true but nowadays, there are so many ways to learn how to play any instrument you desire. There are many online courses and books that you could find but, the best method of learning, is youtube tutorials. When I first got my bass, youtube tutorials on how to play different songs was my lifeline. My strategy on learning songs was that I first looked up the tab of the song, and if I was struggling, I would watch a video demonstrating how to play it.  So many people start learning an instrument and then instantly quit because they feel like they just can’t do it. I encourage anyone reading this who wants to take up an instrument to be patient, and trust the process because, soon enough you’ll start to figure it out and it will all become easy. Once I got a good feel for the bass, I started to learn how to play guitar. The guitar is definitely very intimidating at first because there are six different strings and a lot of different notes on the fretboard. The best piece of advice that I got from my one friend who plays the guitar is that the key to learning the guitar is chords. Learning guitar chords is the best thing that a beginner can do when first learning how to play. Knowing how to play chords will not only help you with moving your fingers on the fretboard but, it also helps you understand chord progressions and changing between note. I hope that this post inspires people to learn and instrument and to trust the process. Learning music is hard, I won’t deny that. However, there are so many ways to learn how to play an instrument nowadays compared to twenty years ago.