Jack Johnson

In Between Dreams - WikipediaBrushfire Fairytales - Wikipedia

When I think about the songs of my childhood and the music that I remember hearing when I was young, one of the first songs that comes to mind is “Upside Down” by Jack Johnson. The song was featured in the Curious George movie, which I loved as a little kid. The calm and happy tone of the song gives it an amazing feel and vibe. My love for the song “Upside Down” made me want to dive deeper into the discography  of Jack Johnson, and to see if the rest of his music is as good as “Upside Down”.

Johnson’s first release in 2001 titled “Brushfire Fairytales” is an amazing album and a great singer-songwriter debut album. This album captures the magic and spirit of what Johnson’s music flair is right from the beginning of his career. On this particular album, my favorite two tracks are “Flake” and “Bubbly Toes”. Both songs have big, bright, and bubbly overall sound and feel. The album is on the shorter side with only eight songs on the album, one of which being only two minutes and one being five and a half.

My personal favorite album of his is the 2005 release “In Between Dreams”.  This albums contains a lot of Johnson’s biggest hit with songs like “Better Together”, “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing”, and “Constellations”. These three songs are all extremely catchy and are very easy to get stuck in your head. When listening to these songs you get overcome with a feeling of joy and happiness, as the vibe and feel of these songs are amazing. Although this album contains many of his big hits, the album was actually met with mixed reviews when it was released in 2005. This fact is really fascinating seeing as this album is many people’s favorite of his.

Another aspect of Jack Johnson’s music that I love is his guitar playing. His playing is nothing to over the top, nothing to crazy, but it is just enough to create an amazing sound. Learning Johnson’s songs on guitar is one of my favorite things to do because they are simple enough to learn pretty quickly, but when you have them down they are so much fun to play and never get boring. One notable aspect of Johnson’s guitar playing is his use of finger picking. Johnson’s approach to finger picking is very different from most other finger-style guitarists, and his method is much more fun to play in my opinion. As someone who wants to get better at finger picking, I personally love playing Jack Johnson songs because of his unique flair.

Ted Talk

One ted talk that I remember watching in school a few years ago is Bill Gates’s presentation called “The Next Outbreak? We’re not ready”. One thing that stood out to me while watching it is Gates’s ability to engage with the audience. As the head of Microsoft, he is no stranger to public speaking. This is especially evident in this ted talk, as he delivers an all-around great performance. He spoke very clearly and it is very easy to understand all of his points. Throughout the speech, Gates talks about ebola and all of the dangers it presents. His delivery is great and that makes it easier to understand his overall message.

For my unit 2 projects, and idea that I have is talking about how things like modern medicine and diets have evolved over time. Although, these are very broad topics and I will probably narrow these ideas down.

Is Nickelback Actually Bad?

Nickelback Doc 'Hate to Love' Will Not Sway the Band's Army of Haters –  Rolling Stone

With music being so diverse, there are many different opinions out there. These differences in opinion leads to many arguments about things like what artist is good and what artist is bad. Out of all these arguments, the one that I find the most intriguing is the debate on whether the band Nickelback is good or bad.

Nickelback dates back to it’s formation in 1995 and they have sold over 50 million records over the years. They are known for their big hits “How You Remind Me”, “Photograph”, “Rockstar”, and “Far Away”. Many people claim that they hate Nickelback and that they are a cheesy and corny band. Many people also claim that you either hate Nickelback or you love them, no in-between. The thing that always fascinated me about these claims is that even though people say that they hate Nickelback, whenever they hear one of their songs being played they know all the words and will sing-along. This doesn’t seem to add up! Just think about it, every time you hear the song “Photograph”, your first instinct is to sing the first line “Look at this photograph, every time I do it makes me laugh”. And then after you hear the song, it will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. And people will still be inclined to say “It’s not that catchy” even though they will be humming the chorus all day.

I’m someone who hasn’t really listened to Nickelback that much, aside from their notable hit songs. I took the time to dive a little deeper into this situation and I listened to more of their music. One thing that I noticed that took me by surprise is that they have been releasing music throughout the entire 2010s and they even released an album in 2022. Out of all the albums that I tried to listen to, the album “All the Right Reasons” from 2005 definitely had the most songs that I liked. I think that lead singer Chad Kroeger is a really underrated frontman and that he has a good voice and a really solid vocal range. After listening to their music, I can safely say that the idea that you either love or hate Nickelback is not true at all. I don’t hate them but I also don’t love them, I think they are pretty good. I would recommend people to listen to more of their music if they are curious as to what their other music sounds like. One thing about Nickelback that I think is pretty cool is that they have a very diverse sound. On most of their albums, there are tracks that sound like pop-rock power ballads, and then there are songs that are borderline heavy metal songs. I think this diversifies them and makes them stand out which is pretty cool.

Speech Reflection

Reflection on my speech:

I think that I did a good job getting my points across during my speech. I feel like my visual aids were very helpful as well. I think that I did a good job choosing the images to show during the speech and that they help the viewer understand my claims. One thing that I could’ve done better in my speech is overall pacing. I feel like I could’ve spent more time going over the graph that I showed and I could’ve explained it in more detail.

Peer reflection:

After viewing several other speeches, I learned a few things. One thing I learned is that a few of my peers had great pacing and rhetorical questions. I think that I should have used some rhetorical questions in my speech because they help with engaging the audience, as the questions can apply to the viewer directly.

Red Hot Chili Peppers: Flea and Frusciante

Red Hot Chili Peppers Sells Their Rights To Its Song Catalog - Valley  Cultural FoundationRed Hot Chili Peppers - Californication | Releases | Discogs

Growing up, my parents introduced me into all different kinds of musical artists and genres. One of my favorite genres that they introduced me into was funk rock. I remember being a little kid sitting in the backseat of my dad’s car as he would play the song “Under the Bridge” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. This song always spoke to me and never fails to get stuck in my head. The song not only helped me fall in love with music, but it helped me fall in love with the band as well.

One thing that I love about RHCP is their longevity. Although many people see them as a 90s-2000s band, RHCP actually debuted in 1984 with their self titled album. They have released 13 studio albums over their 39 year existence, with two of those albums being released only a few months apart in 2022. With them releasing two 17 track albums in 2022, they also went on a massive world-wide tour, where I was lucky enough to see them live. Seeing them live was an amazing experience. The onstage dynamic between the four members was amazing and in between songs they all would just jam out for a few minutes. Flea, the bassist, and guitarist John Frusciante have a special dynamic and the two were locked in the entire show, with both of them soloing throughout the concert. Some say that Flea completes John and that John completes Flea. As a musician, Flea and Frusciante have been huge inspirations for me. When I was learning how to play the bass, I remember when I got to an intermediate level, I learned almost all of Flea’s bass lines. Learning his bass lines not only helped perfect my technique, but also helped me understand the theory behind playing bass as a whole. Frusciante is someone who I have always admired, as his playing is extremely complex and sophisticated. One thing I love about his playing is that whenever he plays a solo, he always finds ways to make it unique and fresh. For a guy who plays a solo in most of their songs, each solo sounds different from any other solo he plays.

While Flea and Frusciante are great in their own respect, the other two members of the band, Anthony Kiedis and Chad Smith, are also great. Vocalist Anthony Kiedis (who also writes most of the lyrics) is in my opinion, one of the best frontmen of the past 30 years. Kiedis is known for his ability to sing melodically as well as rapping, sometimes doing both in one song. Drummer Chad Smith is another big influential musician to me. He lays down a great beat in all of their songs and he is also great at improvising drums fills. I would recommend the Red Hot Chili Peppers to anyone who loves a good song to just sit back and vibe to. I would recommend their albums “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”, “Californication”, “By the Way”, and “Stadium Arcadium”.

Essay Rough Draft and Speech Outline

Homelessness in America is a trend that is on the rise. As the cost of living goes up, many people cannot adjust. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has counted around 582,000 Americans experiencing homelessness in 2022. This is not to mention the estimated 84,526 homeless people living in New York alone. Australian advertising agency Clemenger BBDO created the ad campaign entitled “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle.”. This advertisement shows a public garbage can with a fork, knife, and napkin placed on top of it. The advertisement is trying to demonstrate how the homeless sometimes have to resort to extreme measures in order to eat, and in this case, they are talking about eating out of the trash. The South African ad campaign entitled “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?” takes on the same topic as the previously mentioned ad but in a different way. In this ad, we are shown images of children inside of a shopping cart with their hands held out, asking for food. Both “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle” and “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?”  use rhetorical lenses in different ways to help shape the meaning of the advertisement. 

When examining the “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle” advertisement, a few things stand out. This advertisement plays big into the rhetorical lens of visual rhetoric. We are greeted with the sight of a garbage can with utensils, a napkin. In this advertisement, visual rhetoric is used as a way to show the audience how homeless people sometimes eat out of the garbage by creating the image of a tray of food or tabletop that is set up with utensils and all. Another interpretation that could be made is that the opening of the garbage can is supposed to be a plate and the contents of the garbage is the food on the plate. The “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?” advertisement also uses visual rhetoric, but in this case, it is used to show the audience how even children are in need of a source of food in different parts of the world. For example, the advertisement shows someone placing a can of beans in their shopping cart while the bottom of the cart has the image of the child holding their hands out. This creates the image of someone giving a starving child a can of beans. Another interesting instance of visual rhetoric in the “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?” advertisement comes with the images of the children. The background of both images looks quite dark and gloomy, which reinforces the idea that these kids are in need. They also appear to be wearing clothes that don’t look like they are in great shape. For example, it looks like the girl on the right has several cuts and holes in her shirt. All of these factors help make us viewers understand the claim and argument of the advertisement. 

Another rhetorical lens that is exemplified in these artifacts in rather interesting ways is trust, more notably, pathos. The “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle” advertising uses pathos to make the viewer feel how a homeless person feels. It puts us in the shoes of someone who has eaten out of the trash before with the whole dining setup on top of the garbage can. Even the title of the artifact uses pathos: “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle”. Notice the use of the word “everyday”. The usage of this word evokes emotion and pity because it makes us realize how every single day homeless people and people living in poverty are eating out of the garbage can. The “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?” advertisement uses pathos in a different way as opposed to “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle”. Instead of subtly dropping it in with word usage like in the prior ad, this artifact uses a more noticeable and in-your-face way, and it comes with the children that are displayed. The children in the advertisement are looking right into our souls with a sorrowful look on their faces. This look alone makes us feel for these hypothetical kids. This is not to mention the fact that they are holding their hands out. One could say that it looks like they are trying to hold their hands out to you and that they want your help. This makes us feel like we need to rise to action and help these starving kids get the food that they need. 

When examining both of these civic artifacts, there are some common beliefs that are displayed in the artifact. The usage of commonplaces helps the audience understand what point the advertisement is trying to make and more notably, commonplaces help us understand why they are making this point. In the case of “For the Homeless, Everyday is a Struggle”, the most notable commonplace used is the idea that every homeless person eats out of the garbage. This usage of a commonplace is more on-the-nose and isn’t really something that big to take away. That is until you look deeper into the artifact and realize that people eat out of the trash literally every single day. One commonplace used in “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?” is that we often buy foods and goods that we either don’t necessarily need or that could be going to people who need it more than us. In other words, have you ever been shopping and grabbed an item that you didn’t really need? Have you ever grabbed something that made you say “Do we really need this?” or “Don’t we have this at home?”. In this artifact, we are led to believe that they want us to feel that some of these items that we don’t need could be going to the people who are living in hunger and poverty.


Speech Outline:

  •  If you’ve ever been to a large city or densely populated area, you’ve probably seen a homeless person.
  • As the cost of living continues to go up, many people can’t adjust. This is causing the amount of homeless people in America to rise.
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development counted around 582,000 Americans experiencing homelessness in 2022. Not to mention the estimated 84,526 homeless people living in New York.
  •  homeless people struggle for food every day and they have to go to extreme measures to eat, like eating out of the trash or in some cases, stealing.
  • Another important fact about homelessness is that it touches upon three of the sustainable development goals. These goals are no poverty, zero hunger, and good health and well being.
  • We as one society have the power to help get rid of homelessness in this country. By just doing simple things like donating and volunteering at a shelter, you can help get rid of homelessness.
  • Lens of visual rhetoric, creates the image of a table. The utensils, napkin, and opening of the can is a plate.
  • Pathos. The word “everyday” in the title of the advertisement evokes emotion because you realize that this happens literally every day.
  • Commonplaces. The commonplace that homeless people’s only source of food is the garbage.
  • Wrap it up by talking about how we can collectively try to reduce homelessness in America.

Foo Fighters: But Here We Are

But Here We Are” By Foo Fighters - Theres No Getting Over ItMTV VMAs 2021: Foo Fighters to Receive First-Ever U.S. Global Icon Award |  Pitchfork

Usually I use this passion blog to focus on musical artists that I’m not well versed with, and I usually will listen to their albums and songs and then write about it. For this weeks passion blog however, I will be taking a different approach. This week, I will be talking about one of my favorite bands, the Foo Fighters, and their newly released album entitled “But Here We Are”.

I was first introduced to the Foo Fighters during freshman year of high school. At the time, I had heard about them before but I never tried listening to them. After my friend convinced me to give them a listen, I was instantly hooked. Songs like “Everlong”, “These Days”, “Times Like These”, and “My Hero” stood out to me right away. When I first listened to them, I instantly noticed how complex the melodic structure of the songs were. The Foo Fighters play with three guitarists, which is pretty unusual in modern music. However, this creates amazing guitar harmonies and overall better sounding songs. One thing is love about the Foo Fighters is the frontman Dave Grohl. Grohl is in my opinion, one of the greatest musicians of all time. He is not only the guitarist, singer, and songwriter for the Foo Fighters, but he was also the drummer for Nirvana, one of the biggest bands of all time. His drumming for Nirvana was special, and was a key factor to their huge success in the early 90s. But after the tragic passing of Kurt Cobain in 1994, he then goes on to create the Foo Fighters, where he has been for the past 25-plus years. One thing that is really special about Dave Grohl is his voice. Some may say that he has the voice of an angel. I personally think that he is one of the best frontmen of all time, with his amazing singing and overall performance.

In March of 2022, Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins tragically passed away. Hawkins was a key factor to the band’s success and was one of the best drummers in the world. Throughout his tenure in the band, there was never an interview with Dave Grohl that didn’t feature Hawkins by his side. Their friendship was special and it was prevalent whenever the band was on stage. After Hawkins death, the band’s future was very uncertain. However, in memory of Taylor Hawkins, the band released an album in 2023 called “But Here We Are”, which was dedicated to his memory. After giving it a full listen, I think that it is one of the band’s best albums, going up there with albums like “The Color and the Shape”, “There is Nothing Left to Lose”, and “Wasting Light”.  One track that stood out to me was “Rest”, which is a perfect tribute to Hawkins. Tracks “Rescued” and “Under You” stood out to me as well and are really well-made songs. I definitely recommend the Foo Fighters to anyone who is looking for new music to listen to.