As a kid, I was always outside. My friends and I were always outside after school doing God knows what and having a great time. One of my favorite things to do was camping. My father took me camping several times as a kid and I always had a great time. One particular time, we all went camping for a week at a campground. The trip started off great, with all of us hanging out playing games and having a good time. My favorite part was the nightly fire pit that we had where we would relax by the fire until it was time for us to go to sleep and repeat the cycle in the morning.
During this trip, I bunked with one of my closest friends. This was his first time camping for this long of a time and he was understandably going through a lot of emotions. We were very young, away from home, and in the middle of the woods. The second we got to the campground I made it my mission to make sure everything was going fine for him and that he was doing good. During the first day, we were having a great time tossing a football around, playing corn hole, and fishing in the lake. We rapped up the day with the fire pit until it was time for bed. It wasn’t until two in the morning when he woke me up. He was having a hard time sleeping and he had to go to the bathroom. Since we were kids, there was a rule that anywhere you went, you had to be accompanied with someone else. So, I went with him to the tiny old outhouse in the middle of the night. When we got in, we both heard this noise that sounded like a baby rattle. After hearing this, we both turned around and saw this massive bat just hanging on the wall right next to us. We both instantly ran out of there and back to our tent. That night not only made us closer friends, but it also showed him that I was by his side and that everything he was going through, I was going through as well.
That night helped him see that he was not alone and that everyone was experiencing the same thing as him. After that night I continued to help him throughout the trip. By the end of the camping trip, he was totally comfortable with everything and he ended up having a great time. This camping trip taught me so much about myself and how to handle myself during trying times. I learned many leadership qualities that I have been using ever since the trip. I am grateful for this camping trip and the bonds I built from it.