Introduction and Outline

The Social Media Disconnect

As we live in a age of constant technological advancement, more and more people have access to the internet and all of its applications. Although this sounds like a great advantage toward our societies, there are also many glaring problems that have come to light. On the one hand, the undeniable advantage of widely accessible internet is that it connects you to people all around the world. However, this also leads to many unfiltered hate comments and harmful speech on the internet, and especially on social media platforms. According to the DC Report, 95% of children and adolescents in the United States are using social media platforms almost constantly, and according to the Pew Research Center 69% of adults use social media. This constant usage of social media contributes to social comparisons, unrealistically high expectations, and negative mental health effects.

Change needs to be made in order to save the young generations from mental health issues caused by social media. That is why I am calling to action a new policy that could help put an end to all of these mental health cases. With the implementation of new algorithms, closer monitoring of hateful speech, and better privacy, we can get one step closer from ending social media caused depression.


1st Focus Area: The problem of algorithms on social media platforms

  • Do algorithms cause mental health issues on social media?
  • by changing the algorithms this could lead to a decrease in mental health problems

2nd Focus Area: Hateful Speech

  • Some platforms sensor profane videos and images but does that have an effect?
  • Implement methods that monitor hate speech on posts and comments

3rd Focus area: privacy

  • how can we improve privacy on social media?
  • what is the current state of privacy
  • make it so not everyone can comment on a public post and have it filtered for hate speech


Plan: The Social Media Act: Federal bill that creates new rules that all platforms must follow in order to keep social media safe from hateful speech and mental health issues.

Advantages: This bill provides a safe place for people of all ages to navigate, with the reduction of words, images, and video that could potentially cause any mental health issues.

The Importance of Reaching Out

High school can be a challenging time for many students, especially when faced with difficult classes like AP Literature. I remember vividly the struggles I encountered during my senior year of high school when I found myself drowning in complex texts and overwhelming assignments. I remember just staring at a piece of poetry, lost in the complexities of the words. It was during this time that Mr. Reynolds, my AP Lit teacher, became my guide, offering unwavering support and encouragement when I needed it most. Entering Mr. Reynolds’ classroom on the first day of the new school year, I was expecting a tough work load. I had heard rumors about the difficulty of his class, but I was determined to rise to the challenge. However, as the weeks went by, I quickly realized that the readings were more demanding than I had anticipated, and I found myself falling behind. I was having problems understanding Shakespeare’s diction, understanding the style and meaning of poems, and I was struggling with prose. It was during one particularly low moment where I found the courage to ask Mr. Reynolds for help. Nervously approaching his desk after class, I poured out my concerns, admitting my struggles and expressing my fears of failure. Mr. Reynolds listened attentively, and ensured that I will succeed.

Instead of reprimanding me for falling behind, Mr. Reynolds offered words of reassurance and a willingness to support me in any way he could. He also provided suggestions on how I should study the material, like forming a study group with classmates who excelled in the subject, providing additional resources for comprehension, and even offering to meet with me outside of class to go over difficult concepts if I needed.

As the semester progressed, I noticed a significant improvement in my understanding and confidence. No longer did I dread attending AP lit. Instead, I looked forward to the engaging discussions and challenges it presented. With Mr. Reynolds’ support, I not only survived the course but thrived in it, with a massive jump in grades toward the second half of the year. Beyond the academic side of things, Mr. Reynolds taught me invaluable life lessons about perseverance, resilience, and the power of reaching out for help when needed. His unwavering belief in my abilities empowered me to push through obstacles and strive for excellence, both inside and outside the classroom.

As I look back on senior year, I am filled with gratitude for the impact Mr. Reynolds had on my life. His dedication to his students and passion for literature inspired me to engage in the material more. Though our time together in AP Literature was brief, the lessons I learned from Mr. Reynolds will stay with me for a lifetime, serving as a reminder that if you are every struggling with something, sometimes all you need to do is reach out.

Issue Brief Introduction Draft

The Social Media Disconnect

As we live in a age of constant technological advancement, more and more people have access to the internet and all of its applications. Although this sounds like a great advantage toward our societies, there are also many glaring problems that have come to light. On the one hand, the undeniable advantage of widely accessible internet is that it connects you to people all around the world. However, this also leads to many unfiltered hate comments and harmful speech on the internet, and especially on social media platforms. According to the DC Report, 95% of children and adolescents in the United States are using social media platforms almost constantly, and according to the Pew Research Center 69% of adults use social media. This constant usage of social media contributes to social comparisons, unrealistically high expectations, and negative mental health effects.

Change needs to be made in order to save the young generations from mental health issues caused by social media. That is why I am calling to action a new policy that could help put an end to all of these mental health cases. With the implementation of new algorithms, closer monitoring of hateful speech, and better privacy, we can get one step closer from ending social media caused depression.



Mounting Research Documents the Harmful Effects of Social Media Use on Mental Health

Giving a Helping Hand

Life often presents us with unexpected challenges, and it’s during these moments that the strength of our friendships truly shines. One challenge that I strongly remember was a Saturday afternoon last year. I received a call from my friend Dillon, where he said that his car broke down. He drove a 2005 Saturn Ion, a car that has not been manufactured since 2008, with well over 200,000 miles on it. Both of his parents were at work, so he quickly called me instead. I assured him that I would be there as soon as possible, and I quickly rushed to his aid. Despite the inconvenience and uncertainty of the situation, I was determined to provide him with the support he needed.

After assessing the situation and making some calls, it became clear that the car wouldn’t start, and we were left with no choice but to call for roadside assistance. While waiting for help to arrive, I did my best to keep Dillon’s spirits up, offering words of reassurance and comfort. We laughed at the absurdity of the situation and reminisced about past adventures, which helped to alleviate some of the tension. I wanted to make light of the situation because Dillon kept on mentioning that if the car doesn’t get fixed, his family doesn’t have the money for a new one. Eventually, the tow truck arrived and hauled the Saturn away. On our car ride back to my house, we had a very heartfelt conversation that made our bond and friendship even stronger.

After dropping Dillon off back at his house, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of fulfillment knowing that I did the right thing and helped make the situation a little bit better for my friend. After about two weeks, the car was back up and running, which I thought was a miracle seeing as the car was basically a relic.

Reflecting on this experience, I am reminded of the impact we can have on each other simply by being there in times of need. Whether it’s offering a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, or practical assistance, our willingness to extend a helping hand can make all the difference in someone’s life. When you go out of your way to help a friend, it not only means the world to your friend, but it also makes you feel like a better person. After all was said and done, Dillon would always thank me for what I did and he would always reassure he gratitude.

To wrap things up, the most important takeaway from this experience is that helping a friend in need is not just about solving problems, but it’s about showing compassion, empathy, and support. It’s about being there for each other through thick and thin, knowing that together, we can overcome any obstacle that life throws our way.

The Kennedy Family in 2024

In the year of 2024, I think it is safe to say that no American citizen would ever think that a Kennedy would be back in the presidential race. However, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is shocking the world with his presidential campaign as an independent. And although Kennedy running for president could be beneficial to the family, it appears that the Kennedy extended family is not in full support of this idea. This Kennedy campaign could very well be a political spoiler in this upcoming election, with his candidacy potentially tipping the race in favor of the Republicans, which could ruin the family legacy.

The Kennedy family’s endorsement of Biden originally started with verbal statements until this past weekend when the visited the White House. On St. Patrick’s Day, three generations and four branches of the Kennedy family visited the White House in full support of Biden’s reelection campaign. It also seems that some of the family members who have been involved with politics in the past will be on the campaign trail in the fall, especially in the states where RFK Jr. is on the ballot. Furthermore, the Biden Campaign has made it clear that they are not making the Kennedy’s do any of this, and that they are letting the Kennedys take a lead on their efforts of endorsement for Biden.

The Democratic National Convention recently announced that Mary Beth Cahill, who is a former Chief of Staff to Sen. Edward Kennedy, will be serving as senior adviser in the Democratic party’s efforts to counter third-party candidates. The convention also happily used the photograph taken on St. Patrick’s day of the Kennedy faithful as a way to show were the family stands with this election. DNC spokesperson Matt Corridoni stated “A picture is worth a thousand words. It’s telling that the people who know RFK Jr. best are standing with Joe Biden in this election.”. Stephen Kennedy Smith was very direct in a social media post where he mentioned that his cousin could very well hand the election to the Republicans and “put our democratic process at risk.”. Stephen Kennedy Smith expanded on this with his statement “This is a mistake we can not afford as a country,” he wrote. “Our family has always worked together, so it’s difficult to speak out against a family member. But when RFK Jr decided to run he didn’t call me to ask for help because he knew I would oppose his candidacy due to his misguided stands on issues, his poor judgement, and tenuous relationship with the truth.”. This statement is very poignant because Smith went out of his way to call out his cousin on his flaws, or his flaws as the family sees it.

This upcoming election continues to draw more and more questions with each week, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. There has not been a strong independent candidate in quite some time, so it will be interesting to see how Kennedy’s campaign shakes up the election.