The Importance of Reaching Out

High school can be a challenging time for many students, especially when faced with difficult classes like AP Literature. I remember vividly the struggles I encountered during my senior year of high school when I found myself drowning in complex texts and overwhelming assignments. I remember just staring at a piece of poetry, lost in the complexities of the words. It was during this time that Mr. Reynolds, my AP Lit teacher, became my guide, offering unwavering support and encouragement when I needed it most. Entering Mr. Reynolds’ classroom on the first day of the new school year, I was expecting a tough work load. I had heard rumors about the difficulty of his class, but I was determined to rise to the challenge. However, as the weeks went by, I quickly realized that the readings were more demanding than I had anticipated, and I found myself falling behind. I was having problems understanding Shakespeare’s diction, understanding the style and meaning of poems, and I was struggling with prose. It was during one particularly low moment where I found the courage to ask Mr. Reynolds for help. Nervously approaching his desk after class, I poured out my concerns, admitting my struggles and expressing my fears of failure. Mr. Reynolds listened attentively, and ensured that I will succeed.

Instead of reprimanding me for falling behind, Mr. Reynolds offered words of reassurance and a willingness to support me in any way he could. He also provided suggestions on how I should study the material, like forming a study group with classmates who excelled in the subject, providing additional resources for comprehension, and even offering to meet with me outside of class to go over difficult concepts if I needed.

As the semester progressed, I noticed a significant improvement in my understanding and confidence. No longer did I dread attending AP lit. Instead, I looked forward to the engaging discussions and challenges it presented. With Mr. Reynolds’ support, I not only survived the course but thrived in it, with a massive jump in grades toward the second half of the year. Beyond the academic side of things, Mr. Reynolds taught me invaluable life lessons about perseverance, resilience, and the power of reaching out for help when needed. His unwavering belief in my abilities empowered me to push through obstacles and strive for excellence, both inside and outside the classroom.

As I look back on senior year, I am filled with gratitude for the impact Mr. Reynolds had on my life. His dedication to his students and passion for literature inspired me to engage in the material more. Though our time together in AP Literature was brief, the lessons I learned from Mr. Reynolds will stay with me for a lifetime, serving as a reminder that if you are every struggling with something, sometimes all you need to do is reach out.