Fishing Trip

To wrap up my collection of blog entries, I want to talk about a story that doesn’t necessarily have any glaring or shocking details but however touches upon basic lessons that I have learned and used ever since. The story begins when I was in elementary school, either third or fourth grade. My dad rented a small boat for the day so we could take it out on water to fish. The boat was very small and could only fit the two of us and maybe one or two more people. We left the dock early in the morning in anticipation of being out on the water for most of the day. This fishing trip wasn’t just a fun experience that I spent with my father, but it taught me many lessons about the outdoors, and also many basic life lesson. Many of these tips became useful for things like camping, which I have blogged about in the past.

I remember the first thing my dad said to me when we left the shore was how to hold the rod, how to attach the lure, and how to cast and catch the fish. This fishing trip was my first time out on a boat to fish, so you can imagine the pure excitement that I had as a young person. I was filled with joy when I caught my first fish, and I felt like I had not only accomplished something, but I also made my dad proud. All of this excitement came crumbling down however when my dad told me that I had to toss the fish back into the water. I remember being so confused as to why I couldn’t keep the fish, but obviously that rule is in place for a reason and I was just too young to understand at that point.

Along with all of our fishing supplies, my father also brought a small Foreman grill on the boat. My dad showed me how to cook on the grill that day, as it was my first chance to be able to cook something at that point in my life. We brought a pack of pork roll, eggs, and bagels. He showed me how to cook the pork roll and how to make scrambled eggs on the grill, and while I tried, I will say that eight year old me was not well versed behind the grill. I was ecstatic that he showed me how to cook that though, because I’ve been making the same pork roll and egg sandwich for myself ever since.

I’m extremely grateful for all of the life lessons that my father has taught me over the course of my life. My dad has taught me everything that I know, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. I urge everyone to listen to what their parents tell them. Sometimes we may not want to listen, but whatever they have to say will always benefit you.


American Identity and Polarization

In a time of intense political division, it’s easy to lose sight of what binds us together as Americans. However, a recent poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reveals that despite our differences, there are core beliefs that the majority of Americans hold dear.

The survey, conducted from March 21-25, 2024, sampled 1,282 adults and found overwhelming support for certain rights and values that define the American identity. Over 90% of respondents emphasized the importance of rights such as voting, equal protection under the law, privacy, and freedom of religion. These values, deeply ingrained in the fabric of American society, serve as pillars of our national identity.

Interestingly, the poll highlighted minimal discrepancies between Republicans and Democrats on most issues, underscoring the common ground shared by Americans across the political spectrum. However, there was a notable divide regarding the right to bear arms, with Republicans more likely to view it as fundamental to the nation’s identity.

Despite this broad consensus on core values, there exists a pervasive sense of disillusionment with the state of American democracy. Only about 30% of respondents believe that the nation’s democracy is functioning well, with half expressing concerns about its effectiveness. This tension between shared values and dissatisfaction with governance reflects a broader disconnect between the electorate and political leadership.

Political scientist Lilliana Mason attributes this dissonance to the polarization perpetuated by leaders who fail to reflect the moderate views of the electorate. She suggests that while most Americans are relatively centrist in their beliefs, they have been manipulated into harboring animosity towards those with opposing political affiliations.

The poll also shed light on differing perceptions of what defines the American dream and cultural identity. While Democrats prioritize opportunities for immigrants and emphasize cultural diversity, Republicans place greater emphasis on Christian values and beliefs. These disparities reflect deeper ideological divides within American society.

Individual perspectives on the nation’s identity varied widely among respondents. Juan Sierra, a naturalized citizen, emphasized the importance of America as a land of opportunity, while expressing concerns about the influence of religion on policymaking. Conversely, Susan Johnson underscored the significance of spirituality in maintaining national cohesion, echoing sentiments shared by many conservatives.

Moreover, generational differences were evident in attitudes towards democracy and national identity. Younger Americans displayed greater skepticism towards the effectiveness of democracy and were less likely to prioritize certain characteristics as essential to the nation’s identity. This skepticism may stem from their experiences amidst heightened political polarization and a lack of constructive discourse.

Despite these challenges, there remains a shared belief in the importance of upholding fundamental rights and freedoms. However, as Joe Lagle and Mike Maloy lament, the erosion of these rights due to intolerance and corporate influence poses a significant threat to American democracy.

In conclusion, while political polarization continues to dominate the national discourse, the AP-NORC poll offers a glimmer of hope by highlighting the enduring unity found in shared values. As we navigate the complexities of modern governance, it is imperative to uphold these foundational principles that define us as Americans, forging a path towards a more inclusive and resilient democracy.

Helping my Grandfather through illness

Sitting in the hospital waiting room, I felt a mix of anxiety and determination swirling within me. My grandfather was battling illness, and I was determined to be there for him in every possible way. It all began when my grandfather’s health took a sudden turn for the worse. The once vibrant man who had filled us with stories of his youth was now confined to a hospital bed. Witnessing his decline was heart-wrenching, but I refused to let despair consume me. Instead, I resolved to be his rock, offering unwavering support and companionship during his time of need.

One of the most important roles I played during this challenging period was that of a listener. I quickly realized that my grandfather found solace in sharing his thoughts and fears with me. Whether it was reminiscing about the past or expressing concerns about the future, I listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and comfort whenever needed. Just knowing that he had someone to confide in seemed to ease his burden, and our conversations became a source of strength for both of us.

As the days turned into weeks, I witnessed firsthand the resilience and determination that defined my grandfather’s character. Despite the obstacles he faced, he remained steadfast in his resolve to overcome his illness and reclaim his health. Inspired by his strength, I redoubled my efforts to support him, cheering him on every step of the way.

One of the most memorable moments of this journey occurred during a particularly difficult day at the hospital. My grandfather was feeling disheartened, his spirits at an all-time low. Sensing his troubles, I knew that I had to do something to lift his mood. Drawing upon cherished memories from our past, I began to recount stories of our adventures together, injecting humor and warmth into our conversation. Slowly but surely, I watched as a smile spread across my grandfather’s face, his eyes twinkling with newfound hope. In that moment, I realized the profound impact that simple acts of kindness and companionship can have on someone’s spirit.

Ultimately, my grandfather’s journey towards recovery was not easy, but it was marked by resilience, love, and unwavering support. Through it all, I stood by his side, offering whatever comfort and assistance I could muster. And while the road ahead may still be challenging, I am grateful for the opportunity to be there for my grandfather when he needed me most. Our bond, forged through adversity, is stronger than ever, a testament to the enduring power of love and family.