I feel like I’ve made good progress these past two weeks on getting my site set up. The homepage and appointment-scheduling page are both almost finished in terms of CSS. I’m saving the user stories page for when I start the JavaScript implementation, since I plan on using JavaScript to hide/show most of the elements on this page. Here are the homepage and scheduling pages so far (full ZIP folder of HTML/CSS/images included at end of post):
The biggest technical issue I’ve run into so far is the formatting of the footer. I’ll be able to look into it more when I add the finished logo to the footer and am able to adjust the columns accordingly, but right now I don’t know why the social media icons are so far away from the rest of the elements both vertically and horizontally.
I plan to use the jQuery method toggle() on the user stories and appointment-scheduling pages. For the user stories page, the user’s story will be initially hidden and will show when their headshot is clicked on. For the scheduling page, when the user submits the form, the clinic location information will be shown below.
Right now my plan for next week is to edit the design of the logo to match the feedback I received, finish designing the chip itself, make a diagram showing the chip in the brain, and add all these elements to the site. If I have time after that, I’ll also start writing some of the text elements on the homepage.
Full ZIP folder thus far: