DMD 400: Capstone

Cassidy Heckler's Blog for DMD 400

Production Report #8

For this week, I finally finished all my pieces, organized them and started taking the final renders. The only part I need to finish for the final submission is putting together all my images in one organized fashion. I’m working on the final presentation and how I want to present it. I took a picture of my models from the front angle, sides and the back and one close up. I don’t know if I should present it by adding in all sides into one image or if I should include the different types of forms. Wireframe, modeled, and one with no color. I kind of did a lot of work with the textures and with the colors so I want to emphasis that. I also am not sure if I want to add in like a statistic section and just make the final presentation look very video-game-like. I think this might help my ideas come across a little bit easier too.

Here is my front version of my first character with my textures, color, and lighting added. I did not render anything in cycles because I knew how long it would take and it didn’t seem to make much of a difference with these flat colors.

These are the three other characters with their front facing profiles. With their props included. As I mentioned before, the rigging was not working, so I manually posed each character.

These are the front profiles of my creatures, and props. The first creature is an ice-cream monster and the second is a peppermint bat. The two props are the candy axe and the lollipop wand. Each one is textured with the clay style as the characters. I modeled everything on my own using blender and I will make sure I edit, change the final presentation. I will have this done for the final submission.

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