Here’s my finalized video for the readyMade rDNA project. Working on this project was fairly simple and I hardly had any troubles. The most I had to do was finding the right content to use for the video and fixing any pacing and composition issues I had.
Archives: 01 readyMade
All posts relating to the readyMade project.
rDNA Sketches
Here are my 3 rDNA sketches for the readyMade project. Here I have my first and second mind map along with a simplified storyboard. My keyword is Health and my project will be about art therapy.
A Deeper Understanding of Slideware
Essentially, slideware is what you make it. You can either make it as boring as the topic you’ve made the slides for, or take advantage of all the tools given to you within the program to make your slides as creative and unique as possible. Three things I learned from the Keynote tutorials were using build animations, creating transitions with text and object effects, and adding animation to objects. I think these three things will be very useful for creating my Keynote project.
This is my first time using Adobe Illustrator. It didn’t seem so hard trying to figure out what each of the tools did so working on this piece was pretty easy and simple. I’m excited for what else is to come in the DART202 course.