- Graduate Student, Aiden Ross, was featured in Penn State Research Newsletter
- Congratulations to Professor Chen for his 2024 IEEE-UFFC-S Distinguished Lecturer Award which provides partial support for delivering 20-40 lectures world-wide on thermodynamics and phase-field method of ferroelectrics during 2024-2025. For universities, institutes, and companies that are interested in hosting Dr. Chen’s IEEE-UFFC lectures, please contact Dr. Chen at lqc3@psu.edu
- Congratulations to Professor Chen who received the 2024 TMS Cyril Stanley Smith Award for his contributions to science of microstructures at the 2024 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL
- Rui Zu joined 3M Company as a research engineering and received the Penn State Alumni Association Dissertation Award in 2023
- Tatiana Kuznetsova successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis and joined Merck Group (EMD electronics)
- Benazir Fazlioglu-Yalcin successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis and joined Harvard University as a postdoc.
- Congratulations to Mr. Utkarsh Saha who successfully passed his qualifying exam
- Dr. Fei Yang from University of Science and Technology of China joined the group as a postdoc
- Dr. Guodong Zhao from Fudan University joined the group as a postdoc
- Mr. Saurav Shenoy joined the group as a Ph.D. student
- Congratulate Professor Jiamian Hu of University of Wisconsin at Madison, a former postdoc and research associate of the group, for receiving the US National Science Foundation Career Award
- The DOE Computational Materials Science Center (COMMS): Center for Mesoscale Computational Materials Science led by Professor Chen, is successfully renewed for 3 years
- Jacob Zorn joined Corvid Technologies, LLC as a staff scientist
- Dr. Tiannan Yang joined Shanghai Jiaotong University as a tenure-track associate professor
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen is elected to be a member of Academia of Europaea (Academy of Europe). Congratulations!
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen is a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
- Rui Zhu successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!
- Qingguo Hong joined Missouri Science and Technology as a tenure-track assistant professor of mathematics
- Huaiyu (Hugo) Wang: received the Penn State Robert Newnham Graduate Research Excellence Award.
- Rui Zu: currently a research engineer in 3M Company, received the Penn State Alumni Association Dissertation Award in 2023.
- Huaiyu (Hugo Wang) successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats to Dr. Huaiyu (Hugo) Wang!
- Jacob Zorn was promoted to Post-Doctoral Scholar. Congrats Dr. Jacob Zorn
- Jacob Zorn successfully defended his dissertation, “Ferroelectric Materials by Design at the Mesoscale”. Congratulations to Dr. Jacob Zorn.
- Tiannan Yang was promoted to Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Congratulations Dr. Tiannan Yang.
- Jacob Zorn places 2nd in the Materials Visualization Contest Computational Category. Congratulations to Jacob.
- Dr. Jinchao Xu is elected to the European Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen recieved the TMS John Bardeen Award for his outstanding contributions and leadership in the field of electronic materials.
- Jacob Zorn and Huaiyu (Hugo) Wang receive the Newnham Award for Research Excellence. Congratulations to both Hugo and Jacob.
- Jacob Zorn places 3rd in the Graduate Poster Contest
- Huaiyu (Hugo) Wang received the MATSE Travel Award to travel to workshops and conferences. Hugo is using the award to attend the MRS Spring Meeting.
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen was named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
- Benazir Yalcin Fazlioglu successfully passed her comprehensive exam. Congratulations Benazir.
- Welcome Dr. Wenrui Hao to the project. He will be assisting with the development of highly-efficient numerical recipes and implementation.
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen published a textbook “Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Stability of Materials” through Springer-Nature
- Hari Padmanabhan successfully defended his dissertation, “Illuminating Spin-Lattice Coupling Pathways inLayered Magnets”. Congratulations to Dr. Hari Padmanabhan.
- Jacob Zorn successfully passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Jacob.
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen was named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen receives the Paul F. Robertson Award for the Penn State EMS Breakthrough of the Year.
- Tatiana Kuznetsova recieved the Coppola Graduate Student Award for Student Service and Leadership, which recognizes a graduate student who exhibits outstanding leadership and service both in and outside of the MATSE program.
- Xiaoxing Cheng successfully defended his dissertation, “Influence of defects on polarization distribution in ferroelectrics: a phase-field study”. Congratulations to Dr. Xiaoxing Cheng.
- Yin Shi successfully defended his dissertation, “Phase-Field Study of Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Correlated Vanadium Dioxide”. Congratulations to Dr. Yin Shi.
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen was named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
- Congratulations to Jacob Zorn for receiving the Beaver Award for Excellence as a Teaching Assistant for MATSE 401 “Thermodynamics of Materials”
- Dr. Long-Qing Chen is named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher.
- Dr. Jinchao Xu is recongized as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
- Kickoff Meeting held in MSC N308A.