Information and Communications Technology Law

Invites submissions for a Special Issue: Government-held Information, Privacy and Civic Access

Governments are most frequently the largest collectors of data within their jurisdictions, and often that data collection and storage is financially supported with public taxes. How governments manage and make available that information when
requests are made by non-government parties varies in each country. As the data-sharing world finds new and multi-platform ways to network, the variations of legal access to government-held information create both opportunities and difficulties.
This special issue will collect the state of access to government-held information with special attention to concerns for civilian privacy and civic activists’ oversight of government operations.
Submissions should conform to normal journal specifications noted

Please send submission no later than August 1, 2008
Prof. D.L. Rabina
Pratt Institute School of Information & Library Science,
144 West 14th Street, 6th Floor,
New York, NY 10011-7301
or by email

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