Monthly Archives: September 2008

Welcome to the new blog site

Welcome to the new blog site. PSU has gone to an upgraded version of Moveable Type. It will allow me to do more with the blog and gives it a much needed new look. The url has changed slightly to make it easier for people to find. Feel free to send me any comments or suggestions about how this blog can be improved.

The 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2009

We invite you to submit a paper/abstract to The 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2009 ( It will take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, on July 10th � 13th, 2009.

The deadlines are the following:

Submissions: October 14th, 2008
Acceptance: December 8th, 2008
Final version: February 18th, 2009

Submitted papers or extended abstracts will have three kinds of reviews: double-blind (by at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer-to-peer reviews.

Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the reviews made to their submission so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors may not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.

Awards will be granted to the best paper of those presented at each session. From these session’s best papers, the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference will be selected for their publication in Volume 7 of JSCI Journal ( Libraries of journal author’s organizations will receive complimentary subscriptions of at least one volume (6 issues).

Also, we would like to invite you to organize an invited session related to a topic of your research interest. If you are interested in organizing an invited session, please, fill out the respective form provided in the conference web page. We will send you a password, so you can include and modify papers in your invited session.

More details about the reviewing process, the acceptance policy, organizing invited sessions, and submission deadlines can be found at our web site.

Best regards,

Professor Andr�s Tremante
EISTA 2009 General Chair

Association of College & Research Libraries Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

The Association of College & Research Libraries, with generous support from Thomson Reuters, makes an annual award of $1500 to support dissertation research in the field of academic librarianship.* Details are available online at and applications are being accepted through December 5, 2008.

Are YOU the next Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship winner?

* No attempt will be made to define academic librarianship, but the subject should be consistent with topics usually published in College & Research Libraries or key refereed library and information science research journals or presented at ACRL meetings.

International Journal of Information & Communication Technology Education

(an international journal for teaching and learning with technology)

Call for Papers

Publish your research papers, position papers, or practice abstracts, and book reviews in this international refereed journal.

The International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education publishes articles, papers, manuscripts, and book reviews promoting the advancement of teaching with technology at all levels of education encompassing all domains of learning. The primary mission of the IJICTE is to serve as a medium for introducing, collaborating, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating new and innovative contributions to the theory, practice, and research of technology education applicable to K-12 education, higher education, and corporate and proprietary education. Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts of the highest quality not currently under review by another publication.

The IJICTE journal would be pleased to receive original materials concerned with the theoretical underpinnings, successful application, and potential for advancing technology education within formal education, corporate training, higher education, professional development, and proprietary education. The IJICTE publishes contributions from all disciplines of information technology education.


Articles should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words in length. Articles outside these parameters will not be considered. Submitted manuscripts must be prepared in the American Psychological Association (APA) editorial style and references should relate only to material cited within the manuscript. The review process, copyright considerations, procedures for submitting your manuscript and the review process, and additional information is provided under Guidelines for Submissions at:

Please email submissions (DEADLINE is Oct 31, 2008) to:

Lawrence Tomei:
Lawrence A. Tomei, EdD
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Robert Morris University

Encyclopedia of Motherhood

We are inviting academic editorial contributors to the Encyclopedia of Motherhood, a new 3-volume reference to be published in 2009 by Sage Publications.

This comprehensive work will be marketed and sold to college, public, and academic libraries and includes some 750 articles, covering all aspects of a social science perspective on motherhood, including psychology, gender studies, sociology, education, human development, history, and other fields. We are now making assignments with a deadline of January 15,

Each article, ranging from 600 to 4,000 words, is signed by the contributor. The General Editor for the encyclopedia is Andrea O’Reilly, Ph.D., York University, who will review all
the articles for editorial content and academic consistency.

If you are interested in contributing to the encyclopedia, it can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. Payment for the articles are honoraria that range from a $50 book credit at Sage Publications for article submissions totaling 500 to 1,000 words up to a free set of the finished encyclopedia (a $400 value) for contributions totaling 10,000 words.

The list of available articles (Excel file) and Style Guidelines are prepared and will be sent to you in response to your inquiry. Please then select which unassigned articles may best suit your interests and expertise.

If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference with the Encyclopedia of Motherhood, please contact me by the e-mail information below. Please provide a very brief summary of your background in social history and related subjects. Thanks for your time and

Susan Moskowitz
Golson Media

LOEX 2009


37th Annual LOEX Conference
April 30 – May 2, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The New Mexico LOEX Committee invites you to submit proposals to be considered for presentation at the 37th Annual LOEX Conference, April 30 – May 2, 2009 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The conference theme, Blazing Trails: On the Path to Information Literacy, explores the diverse paths that librarians take to develop successful information literacy programs.

Presenters are encouraged to develop unique and creative proposals related to the theme. Proposals should model best practices, provide useful information that participants can use at their libraries, showcase effective and innovative practices, support collaboration, and be as applicable as possible to a wide range of academic institution types. Successful proposals reflect elements of one of seven themes:

– Luminarias: The Art and Practice of Teaching casts light on teaching strategies, curriculum design, learning styles, and student engagement.

– Trail Guides: Leadership and Management covers topics such as managing a significant project or team, leading an initiative such as integrating information literacy into institutions of higher education, or establishing and fostering a professional development program.

– Off the Beaten Path: Creativity and Exploration includes comprehensive planning or implementation of innovations or emerging trends in all aspects of information literacy and instruction.

– Shortcuts: Lesson Plans To Go has the presenter share a proven lesson or unit plan, including processes and materials. Session participants should be able to go back to their respective institutions and readily implement the lesson plan.

– From Covered Wagon to the Railroad: Technology in Education asks what are useful roles of instructional technology in the 21st century? This track focuses on building, utilizing, or sustaining the effective use of technology in education.

– Round-up: Collaborative Efforts and Spaces examines how collaborations between people and programs can enhance information literacy and what types of spaces are best for collaboration and instruction.

– Are we there yet? Assessment and Accountability focuses on evaluating teaching or instructional tools, peer evaluation, or assessing user needs, student learning, or information literacy initiatives.

Two types of proposals will be accepted.

Presentation: A 60-minute session that includes time for a 45-minute presentation and 10-15 minutes of question and answer. Most feature a successful program, practice or key issue related to instruction or information literacy. Presentations are intended for an audience typically of 50-70 people. Presenters should include in the proposal description the topic and an outline of the presentation.

Interactive Workshop: A 60-minute session where the presenter facilitates a learning environment in which attendees develop or explore teaching and/or research techniques. Presenters are expected to facilitate a well-planned and interactive session. Workshops are intended for an audience typically of 30-60 people. Proposals should include a description of the topic and details on how the presenter will make this session a “hands-on” experience for attendees.

In addition, there will be Poster sessions. Students currently enrolled in a Master’s program in library and information sciences along with librarians in resident or intern programs will be invited to propose poster sessions. Details about proposing poster sessions will be posted in a separate call for proposal.

Proposals must be received by November 21, 2008. Proposals must be submitted through the online submission form. The primary contact on the proposal will be notified if the proposal has been accepted for presentation by Friday, January 16, 2009.

More information can be found at:

Contact for presenters: Cecilia Stafford at

Cecilia Stafford & Brad Sietz
LOEX 2009 Planning Committee

Brad Sietz
Director, LOEX Clearinghouse for Library Instruction
Bruce T. Halle Library
Eastern Michigan University
734-487-0020 x2152

LILAC 2009

The LILAC (Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference) 2009 call for papers is now open. This year’s conference will be held at Cardiff University from the 30th March – 1st April 2009. We welcome submissions from practitioners and researchers in a variety of formats including: short and long papers, posters, workshops, demonstrations and symposiums.

For further details please see:

The 2009 conference themes are:
* Inquiry based learning and IL
* Emerging technologies
* Information literacy for life
* Supporting research

Please read the notes for presenters carefully, before submitted your abstract. Please note that this year we have developed a proposal template which needs to be downloaded and completed as part of the submission process. Also note we require an abstract not a full paper. The deadline for proposals is: 20th November 2008

If you have any queries please do get in touch with me. We hope to see you at LILAC 2009 and look forward to receiving your proposal.

Best wishes


Dr Jane Secker
Learning Technology Librarian,
LSE Centre for Learning Technology



DATE: May 24-26, 2009
LOCATION: Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
CONGRESS THEME: Capital Connections: nation, terroir, territoire

The CWSA/ACEF is now seeking proposals, in either French or English, for
its annual conference, held in conjunction with the Congress of the CFHSS/FCSH.
Submissions for papers and panels can be made by individuals or groups, and as joint
sessions with other associations. The conference will be structured around two embedded
themes in addition to an open call:

Theme 1: Roots, Territories, and Territorial Struggles in Women’s Studies
This theme honours a tradition of self-reflexivity within Women’s Studies and encourages
presenters to reflect upon the nature of the discipline, its past, and its continuing

a) What are the territories that Women’s Studies has claimed and
occupied within academia? What struggles have been waged/continue/are evolving in order
to create and secure these spaces? What is the role of Capital in these struggles, in
the neo-liberal university? What have been the implications within the academy of
Women Studies commitment to interdisciplinarity/transdisciplinarity with respect to
capital, terroir (ground,roots), and territory? What are the territorial implications of naming
ourselves feminist/women’s/gender studies?

b) Under this theme, presenters are also encouraged to consider
contested spaces within the discipline:

Diversity has been a central theme in feminist theoretical work for at
least two decades, but how has this translated into the classroom? How are
territories and boundaries of exclusion reproduced (or diminished) within this space?

Deconstruct/otherwise explore the binary between academic and activist
feminisms. Issues such as those raised by bell hooks in Theory as Liberatory
Practice could be considered: e.g., the appropriation of collective and/or non-academic
thought by academics; intellectual class hierarchies; disconnections between lived
realities and academic theory classes.

How is transnational feminism–with the new concepts space, nation,
territory it presumes–being translated in WS classrooms? Do the uncritical ways
transnational feminism is mobilized in WS merely replicate the imperialism it was
ostensibly meant to critique?

In Canada the concept of nation is crucial and has important
implications for the nature of Canadian Women’s Studies. For example, Indigenous feminisms
often discuss nation, nation-building, and (dis)connections between First Nations and
non-Native women’s issues. What are the potential connections and breaking points
between WS and Native Studies?

How are national issues of language/nation mirrored within Canadian
Women’s Studies? How can CWSA/ACEF better fulfill its bilingual mandate, or
should it try? Are there better structures to encourage and improve dialogue?
& What connections/struggles/common ground/divisions can be productively
explored between Women’s Studies and other contested and inherently
self-reflexive disciplines such as cultural studies, transgender and queer studies, race and
ethnicity studies,disability studies?

We encourage presenters to think about this topic broadly and welcome submissions that
address these debates at the institutional, administrative, intellectual, and pedagogical

Theme 2: Capital, nation, terroir, territoire: through the lens of gender

This conference theme inviteterritoriality from the perspective of women and/or through a gendered lens. Again, this theme may be applied broadly to include many areas of scholarship:

Empire: The relationship of gender to new forms of empire; historical
perspectives on the role of women in empire-building

Women, gender and discourses and practices of nationalism

War: Situating women and gender in nations currently at war (including
the US and Canada); feminist pacifisms

Relations among “race,” racialization, and nations and nationalism

Gender in/and the relationship between nation and global flows of capital

Indigenous feminisms and the practices of nation they articulate

Francophone and Anglophone feminisms in Canada: How do French language
and the English language feminisms conceptualize/practice feminist issues and
struggles differently?

What are the spaces that women have created within government and as
independent activist organizations, and how are these being sustained or eroded?

Theme 3: Open Call. Papers which do not address the above themes

**Please indicate clearly which theme you are submitting to on the proposal form.**

We encourage presentations in a variety of formats, including papers,
panels, workshops, roundtables, poster sessions, film and video screenings, performance art
pieces, exhibits, and cultural events. If you are proposing a non-traditional
presentation, please include a brief write up on any necessary audiovisual, technical, logistical, or room size and location considerations.


The proposal form (as a Word document), can be found on the CWSA/ACEF

All submissions must include the proposal form in addition to a maximum
250-word abstract for individual papers and panels. In addition to the 250 word
abstract summarizing the panel theme, pre-arranged panel submissions must also
include short (50-100 word) abstracts of the individual papers clearly indicating the
contributions of each member. All proposals will be anonymously reviewed.

**You must be a current member of CWSA/ACEF to submit an abstract.**

To join, please visit

Send proposals, by email only, in Word/RTF to:
Shana Calixte, Assistant to Dr. Andrea Levan, Program Chair, at

Deadline: December 15, 2008. Late submissions and proposals over the
stated word limit will not be considered.

National Educational Computing Conference (NECC)

NECC 2009 Call for Participation Now Open; Proposals Due October 8

Washington, DC
June 28-July 1, 2009

ISTE is now accepting presentation proposals for NECC 2009. Submission opportunities are divided into four major categories and a variety of themes and strands. Dynamic, energetic presenters interested in engaging their audience in innovative ways should especially consider submitting proposals for Workshops or the highly interactive BYOL, Model Lesson, and Open Source Lab session categories. The firm deadline for proposals is October 8, 2008. For more information go to

Moving In, Moving Up, and Moving On: Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession

Will be held prior to the IFLA conference in Milan mid-August 2009. The Call for Proposals and submission form are too long to copy here, and are not yet posted by the sponsoring section, Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning. I will be happy to send as attachments to anyone interested in seeing the details.

Jana Varlejs, PhD
Associate Professor
Rutgers School of Communication,
Information and Library Studies (SCILS)
4 Huntington Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071
732-932-7500 x8225; fax: 732-932-2644; cell: 732-718-3523
H: 732-846-6850