Monthly Archives: June 2009

Library and Information Science Critique

We invite you to submit original articles, essays, or book reviews to the 2nd issue of our international Open Access peer-reviewed journal: 
Library and Information Science Critique: 
                                        Journal of the Sciences of Information Recorded in Documents.
Deadline: 30 May 2009
Date of publication: 30 June 2009
About LIS Critique:
Indexed at:
LATINDEX: UNAM’S Latin American Index –Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain & Portugal
Instructions for authors:
Editorial Board:
English proofreaders:
Previous and first issue:
Thank you and We are happy to receive your contributions in the near future.
Contact us at:
Zapopan M. Muela-Meza
LIS Assistant Professor, Nuevo Leon Autonomous University, Mexico
LIS Critique Director and Editor-in-chief
Jose Antonio Torres-Reyes
LIS Assistant Professor, Nuevo Leon Autonomous University, Mexico
LIS Critique Vice-director and Adjunct editor

Challenging the Virtual: Women’s Cultural Experiences in Second Life

CFP: Collection on Women’s Cultural Experiences in Second Life

For more info, contact editors Zoe McMillan ( or  Steorling
We seek proposal submissions of 250-500 words for a collected edition of
essays on women’s cultural experiences in the virtual world of Second Life
(SL).  While we do not wish to disenfranchise anyone, we do ask that you be
a biological woman actively participating in SL.  Submissions preferred via
avatar name and using an avie email address in keeping with the spirit of
SL; however, submissions under real world names and emails are accepted.
Proposals may be theory based or narratives.  If theory based, proposals
should indicate the theoretical framework you are using and mention at least
one theorist.  Please do not feel limited to an academic styled proposal.
We value the experiences that every woman has in SL and welcome all
anecdotal/narrative styled proposals as well.

We do NOT want to limit the ideas that many of you may generate, but to get
an idea of what we are thinking, the following is a list of categories and
topics that one might consider.

•    Creation/Expression
        Poetry Readings
        Spoken Word Events
        Dancing/Particle Performance
•    Avatar as Self
        Alter-Ego Creation/Choices
        Subculture Identities
        Exploring Identity
•     Socializing/Entertainment
        SL Live Music
•    Relationships
        Defining Personal Boundaries
        Levels/Stages of Transparency/Intimacy
        Sexuality (including gender bending, etc)
        Voice Use in SL
        Sexual Harassment
•    Making Money in SL
        Sex as Money
•    Education
        Classroom Dynamics
        Classroom Issues/Concerns
        Classroom Virtual Culture

Deadline for proposal submissions: 30 September 2009
Length: 250-500 words
Please send proposals to &

2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference

     C A L L    F O R    C A S E    S T U D I E S  &  D E M O S


        2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference


                          (IEEE APSCC 2009)


             December 7-11, 2009 — Biopolis, Singapore




Services Computing is a new cross-discipline that covers the science and technology needed to bridge the gap between business services and IT/telecommunication services. The goal of services computing is to develop new computing technology and thereby enable more advanced IT/telecommunication services to support business services more efficiently and effectively.
IEEE APSCC 2009 is an important forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of art and practice of IT/telecommunication-driven business services and application services, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future directions of Services Computing.




Topics of interest for the IEEE APSCC 2009 industry track include, but are not limited to:


 – Services Computing Industry Adoption Case Studies
     + Deployment  (including pilot implementation) of services computing concepts and solutions in specific industry verticals, for
         * Aerospace, Automotive, Digital Media and Entertainment, Financial Services, Government Services, Healthcare, Supply Chain and Logistics


 – Services-centric Design and Implementation
     + Services-based business process management
     + Service composition and reuse of existing components/services
     + Servitization of existing software for better reuse or catering for new business models
     + SOA-based architectures and solution stacks
     + Software as a Service (SaaS) development


 – Technology Enablers for Services-centric Business Models
     + Pay-per-use models
     + Quality of Service (QoS)
     + Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
     + Service packaging for sale (or resale)
     + Subscription-based models




This component of IEEE APSCC 2009 is for the purpose of sharing industry experiences and best practices. The submissions in this particular section are not intended for publication in the conference proceedings, but may be published via the IEEE APSCC 2009 Web-site.




Case Study / Demo Summary Submission:  August 14, 2009 (23:59 GMT)
Author Notification:                   September 2, 2009
Submission of Presentation Slides:     October 2, 2009 (23:59 GMT)
Author Registration:                   October 2, 2009 (23:59 GMT)
IEEE APSCC 2009 Conference:            December 7 – 11, 2009




Authors are requested to submit a one-page summary of the presentation that the authors intend to deliver, including a description of the demonstration of a system/application. Submissions must be in English and provided as PDF file!


Each submission will be judged based on its contribution to the state-of-practice, technical quality, innovative features of implementation and relevance.


Submitting a summary paper to IEEE APSCC 2009 means that if the presentation is accepted, at least one author will attend the conference to deliver the presentation and/or the demonstration.


Electronic Submission


Please submit Case Study / Demo Summaries by E-mail (in PDF format) to the IEEE APSCC 2009 Industrial Program Co-chairs via




Steering Committee Chairs


Jin, Hai  (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Zhang, Liang-Jie  (IBM Research, USA)


General Conference Chairs


Tham, Chen Khong  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Foong, Sew Bun  (IBM Singapore and IBM ASEAN Software Group)


Program Committee Chairs


Ngoh, Lek Heng  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Teo, Hock Hai  (National University of Singapore, Singapore)


Technical Program Committee Chairs


Kirchberg, Markus  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Hung, Patrick C. K.  (University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada)


Workshop Chairs


Goh Eck Soong, Angela  (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Benatallah, Boualem  (University of New South Wales, Australia)


Industrial Program Chairs


Cheah, Kok Beng  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Tan, Puay Siew  (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR, Singapore) Randolph, Mark A.  (Motorola Electronics Pte Ltd, Singapore)


Tutorial Chairs


Medjahed, Brahim  (University of Michigan, USA) Zheng, Qin  (Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore)


Publicity Chairs


Chai, Teck Yoong  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Shao, Xu  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore)


Publication Chairs


Lee, Teck Kiong  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Leong, Hong-Va  (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)


Financial Chairs


Zhou, Luying  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Foo Siang Fook, Victor  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore)


Local Organisation Chairs


Teo Chee Ming, Joseph  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Liang, Qianhui (Althea)  (Singapore Management University, Singapore) Ng, Wee Siong  (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore) Sun, Aixin  (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)






For further details, please visit the IEEE APSCC 2009 Web-site



or contact the Industrial Program Chairs at


Unlikely Bedfellows: Unexpected Collaborations Within the Information Environment

CFP: Unlikely Bedfellows: Unexpected Collaborations Within the Information Environment
ALISE Conference 2010 – January 12-15, 2010; Boston, MA

From the American Library Association’s alignment with “Hustler” publisher Larry Flynt, to YALSA reading programs with the World Wrestling Federation, information workers have historically enjoyed – or, perhaps, tolerated – improbable partnerships and alliances. The Historical Perspectives SIG invites papers on this topic, for a panel at ALISE 2010. Papers should explore the unusual collaborations information workers in all venues or environments have built or been part of in order to accomplish their goals.

Within this topic, authors are encouraged to be broad as well as deep in their consideration of “venue” and “information worker,” while still operating within the Information Science field.

Venues may include but are not limited to:
•       Public, school or academic libraries
•       Museums
•       Archives
•       Corporate or commercial information environments
•       Library and Information Schools

Information workers may include but are not limited to:
•       Librarians
•       Paraprofessionals
•       Archivists
•       Documentalists
•       Information architects
•       Catalogers
•       LIS Educators

Who were these unlikely partners and why were they considered curious? What situations or issues prompted the engagement? What challenges did they encounter? Were these challenges overcome or insurmountable? Was there an impact on the LIS profession? How – or did – this change practice? Were the collaborations successful? What lessons were learned as a part of the collaborative dance? Were the partnerships or collaborations ephemeral or enduring? Why?

Submit 300-500 word abstracts in PDF or WORD format by July 13, 2009, to Cindy Welch, University of Tennessee,

2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, NDLC2010: From Groundwork to Action

Call for Proposals

The 2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, NDLC2010: From Groundwork to Action, will take place from July 14-16, 2010 in Princeton, NJ.

The National Diversity in Libraries Conference (NDLC) is a biennial event that serves as a regional meeting for library staff members to discuss diversity issues, especially issues common to the host region’s culture.

The 2010 NDLC Planning Committee invites you to submit a proposal for presentation at the conference. Proposal submission details are listed below.

Suggested Topics/Tracks

Conference presentations are sought in all areas of diversity, including but not limited to, the following:

  • Workplace: administration and management; recruitment and retention; leadership; continuing education; mentoring; organizational culture; office environment; budgeting; motivation; staff skill development; cross-training; usability.
  • User services: reference; collections; programming; health education; assessment; instructional design; marketing; collaborations; community spaces/learning spaces; outreach; the Library as a Place; customer service; consumerization; usability.
  • Technology: emerging technologies; technology services; social networking; teaching and learning; innovations; online learning; core competencies; Library 2.0; YouTube; digitization; open source; visual media; web-based collaborative software; learning 2.0, second life; widgets/applications/mashups; virtual libraries/scan on demand.

Presentation Formats

Presentations may take one of the following formats:

  • Individual presentation
  • Poster session
  • Panel session

Submission Guidelines

Proposals which include all of the following will be considered:

  • Name and contact information for principal contact (if more than one person will be presenting);
  • Complete contact information for all speakers: include name, title, employer or affiliation, email address, telephone/fax numbers;
  • Title of proposed program;
  • Program theme;
  • Program format;
  • A brief (100 words or less) description of the program for conference program purposes;
  • A detailed description (up to 500 words) for proposal submission review;
  • At least three learning outcomes;
  • Audiovisual/equipment requirements (if any); and
  • Biographical statement of the presenter(s) (up to 50 words per presenter).

Proposal submission deadline: October 2, 2009.

Notifications will be made by early December, 2009.

Selection Criteria

The successful proposals will:

  • Identify critical diversity issues that will be treated in the program;
  • Demonstrate how the audience will be engaged in program;
  • Have a high degree of relevance to the projected conference attendees;
  • Contain program content that can be re-purposed for continued discussion after the conference;
  • Be unique and innovative or raise issues that have not yet been widely examined; and
  • Have its foundation in recognized diversity research and/or statistics or presents new research and/or statistics

How to Submit Proposals

Submit proposals by email (Word document or PDF attachment) to ndlc2010 (at) Princeton (dot) EDU; Please also direct questions about the conference to this address (you will be required to confirm that you are sending a message to this email address).
Proposal submission deadline: October 2, 2009.

Approaches to Teaching and Learning Information Retrieval


TITLE: Approaches to Teaching and Learning Information Retrieval


Efthimis N. Efthimiadis
The Information School, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Juan Manuel Fern�ndez Luna, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci�n e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Juan Huete
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci�n e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Andrew MacFarlane
Dept. Of Information Science,  City University, London, UK
Proposal Submission Deadline:           September 15, 2009
Author Notification:                    October 15, 2009
Full Chapters Due:                      March 1, 2010

Web search is part of our daily lives, and this has made understanding of the Information Retrieval (IR) principles paramount to many professions that were not previously concerned with search and its associated activities.  System builders, information scientists, human computer interactions specialists, librarians, educators in K-12, scientists, information architecture designers, IP lawyers, advertisers and retailers in e-Commerce, to name a few professions are involved in building and running search systems.

Consequently, the Teaching and Learning of IR is changing in nature. It is being practiced in many different forms, so that it satisfies the separate needs in those fields that makeup the field search as we know it today.

This book will aim to coordinate and integrate the current thinking of teaching and learning IR.  It will focus on both educational and domain-specific research and practice and how that reaches the learners.

Planned book sections include, but are not limited to, the following:
[A] Technical Levels (non-technical to highly technical)
[B] Educational Goals:
[*] discipline specific (CS, LIS, CL, MIS)
[*] by domain or search task
[*] search (Web, DL, .)
[*] other
[C] Teaching and Learning Methods:
[1a] classroom
[1b] e-learning (distance/online learning)
[1c] use of IR systems for teaching
[D] Assessment and Feedback
[E] Curricula

The above levels are to be examined in the broadly defined IR areas that include and are not limited to:

Advertising and IR
Data Mining and IR
e-Commerce and IR
Evaluation (user-centered or system focused)
Log analysis / web analytics
Natural Language Processing and IR
Personalization / Recommendation
Search Engine Optimization
Structured data (XML) and IR


The target audience of this book will be composed of educators, professionals, and researchers working in the fields of information retrieval, information studies, information science, information management, knowledge management, computer-supported cooperative work and human-computer interaction.


Potential contributors are invited to submit a 2-5 page chapter proposal to the Editors by September 15, 2009. Authors will be notified by October 15, 2009 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters should be at least 8,000-9,000 words in length and are due by March 1, 2010.

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically to the editors listed above.

LITA Bloggers

Attending the ALA 2009 Annual Conference in Chicago this July? Be a

part of the fun and blog for LITA! We need volunteers to blog about

sessions, speakers, and general conference atmosphere.


We would like coverage for as many of the sessions as possible, so see

the current Blog Schedule:


Pick one (or more) items to cover and join the LITA Blogging

Community. No experience is required to blog, though we would love to

see some of our experienced volunteers back again.


Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Call for Papers….

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
CCQ welcomes the submission of research, theory, and practice papers relevant to the broad field of bibliographic organization.

This journal, published now 8 times a year by Taylor & Francis, LLC, is respected as an international forum that emphasizes research and review articles, description of new programs and technologies relevant to cataloging and classification, and considered speculative articles on improved methods of bibliographic control for the future.

Articles are particularly welcome in areas dealing with research-based cataloging practice, including user behavior, user needs and benefits.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts via email with attached word document to the Editor, Sandra K. Roe, Bibliographic Services Librarian, Illinois State University  (email:

Special Issues
Colleagues interested in guest editing a special issue or expanded double issue are invited to contact the Editor with a general proposal, tentative schedule, and CVs.  Previous special issues have included:

*Metadata and Open Access Repositories (Michael Babinec and Holly Mercer, Guest Editors)

*Bibliographic Database Quality (Jeffrey Beall and Stephen Hearn, Guest Editors)

*The Intellectual and Professional World of Cataloging (Qiang Jin, Guest Editor)

*Knitting the Semantic Web (Jane Greenberg and Eva M�ndez, Guest Editor)

*Cataloger, Editor and Scholar: Essays in Honor of Ruth C. Carter  (Robert Holley, Guest Editor)

Annual Best Paper Award
Taylor & Francis sponsors an annual prize for CCQ with a small financial stipend for the Best Paper of the Year.

Free Print Sample
A free print specimen copy may be obtained by sending an email to <>

For More Details
Further details may be found at the CCQ home page:

Workshop in Feminist Political Theory

Manchester Workshops in Political Theory
2-4 September 2009
Manchester Metropolitan University

Politics has always been at the heart of feminism. The wide variety of traditions of feminist thought and activism have engaged in diverse and rich ways with politics and the political. But the landscape of feminist political theory is marked by the divide between analytic and continental philosophy, and by the different strands in women’s and gender studies. This workshop aims to engage constructively with these differences, by inviting papers from all traditions in feminist political theory, both from the centers and the margins, on any topic. Furthermore, it invites papers that address and challenge the traditional divisions, or that focus on their intersections.

Please send a 300 word abstract to Annelies Decat (K.U.Leuven) or Janice Richardson (University of Exeter) by June 30th:<> or<>

This workshop is part of the sixth annual series of Workshops in Political Theory, at the Manchester Metropolitan University. For more information, visit the conference website:

Gen-X Perspectives on Librarianship

Gen-X Perspectives on Librarianship (working title), edited by Erik Estep, Rebecca Tolley-Stokes, and Martin Wallace; published by Library Juice Press.
Seeking previously unpublished scholarly manuscript contributions for an anthology relating to the Gen-X experience from a librarian perspective, or, the librarian experience from a Gen-X perspective. Also welcome are critical perspectives of Gen-X librarians and interesting perspectives on Gen-X librarians from non-Gen-Xers.
Objective of Book:
The objective of this book is to view, critique and analyze what makes Gen-X librarians unique among other generations of librarians, what is unique or different about the professional situation of Gen-X librarians, what have Gen-X librarians contributed to the field, and what have they changed about the profession. In order to fully understand the X-Generation and librarianship, a variety of perspectives is needed.
Suggested Themes:
Emphasis will be placed on the themes of media representations and misrepresentations, work and leadership styles, technology, globalization, cultural shifts, class, and gender but the editors remain open to any theme that proves itself interesting, especially manuscripts that present something new and compelling.
Target Audience:
Librarians, library workers, and library school students, as well as library administrators who might find such a volume helpful in creating an inclusive and diverse workplace.
Selection Criteria:
All submissions received by the deadline will be reviewed by the editors. Editors will select submissions that speak or reveal the most about Generation X Librarians as a group and those that share the most insightful or individualized experiences and can relate those experiences to their generation. Only works of the utmost scholarly quality will be selected. Articles in scholarly sociology or cultural studies journals or university press monographs should serve as examples.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions from a broad spectrum of librarians and library workers are welcome. We seek to be inclusive of all ages, library types (public, academic, or private libraries), geographies (rural, urban, international), sexual orientations, gender identities, and class backgrounds.
Deadline for summaries: August 30, 2009
Submit a brief summary (3 paragraphs maximum) and a short author’s statement or URLs where appropriate. Electronic submissions only to
Deadline for manuscripts: January 31, 2010
One electronic copy. Black-and-white artwork may be submitted in hard copy; author responsible for securing image copyright permissions.
Rebecca Tolley-Stokes
Charles C. Sherrod Library
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: 423-439-5674

About the editors:
Erik Estep is Assistant Professor and Special Collections Librarian at the Joyner Library, East Carolina University. Rebecca Tolley-Stokes is Associate Professor and Reference Librarian at the Charles C. Sherrod Library, East Tennessee State University. Martin Wallace is a Science & Engineering Librarian at the Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, and is the state’s Patents & Trademarks Librarian