Library Activities with Writers, Artists, Musicians and Other Creative Community Members

How local writers, artists, musicians and other creative people and libraries help each other and their community. These creative members (who are also voters) appreciate the resources and stimulus libraries provide the creative process and like making their work known. Librarians are asked to share successful activities and collaborations with these patrons.
Publisher: Routledge Books

Articles: 3,000-5,000 words; 1 author or 2, 3 co-authors

Compensation: complimentary copy, discount on more

Librarians outside the U.S. encouraged to contribute

Please e-mail in a Word .doc (older version) attachment 1-3 topics/titles each described in 2-3 sentences by September 30, 2010 and a 75-90 word 3rd person bio: your name, library of employment, city/state location, employment title, where you got your degree, awards, publications, and career highlights for each author. Please include publisher/date for books. Please: no long resumes or abstracts-your selected title/abstract/bio composes a tentative table of contents for Routledge. You will be contacted which of your topics are not duplications, inviting you to e-mail your submission if Routledge decides to publish. Please place ACTIVITIES/Your Name on the subject line to:

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