PaLA Northeast Chapter’s Spring Workshop Poster Sessions

Does your library do something awesome and you want to share it with your colleagues? Do you have passion for a specific topic in librarianship?

Well, why not participate in the inaugural poster session at the Northeast Chapter’s Spring Workshop on Friday, May 27th! A poster session is a great way to interact with your colleagues. Posters can be on library programs, research that you or a team has done in the field of librarianship or on any library topic you would like to share.

To participate in the inaugural poster session or if you have any questions, please send an email to
Brian Fulton, Deadline for poster session submissions will be Friday, May 6th.

This workshop has been partially funded with Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and would not have been possible without the help of the College and Research Division of PaLA. Show your appreciation by becoming a member of PaLA! And if you are a member – thank you!

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