Collaborative Librarianship

 Collaborative Librarianship: Call for Participation

Consider joining the groundswell of support for library collaboration: volunteer to become a peer reviewer for the scholarly, open access, online journal, Collaborative Librarianship.  All related subject/interest areas are welcomed.  To register as a peer reviewer, please go to the home page, click “Register” tab, and provide the information requested. (Email address and other information given are strictly confidential and for use only by Collaborative Librarianship.)  You can also contact directly the General Editor, Ivan Gaetz:

Call for Papers – Are you involved in some interesting, innovative or experimental aspect of library collaboration?  Is your library exploring or implementing resources or services that build on, promote, or expand the scope of library collaboration?  Are you critically reflecting on the methodology, theory or philosophy of why and how librarians, libraries or library consortia work together?  If so, we would like to hear from you!  Please consider submitting articles for “peer review” or “From the Field” sections of Collaborative Librarianship.  Reader responses to articles and opinion pieces also are welcomed. Submissions can be made directly through the CL website. Issues will be published in March, June, September and December each year, and deadlines for submissions are 4 months in advance of publication. 


Collaborative Librarianship – on Facebook and twitter

Participate in the conversation.  Join the over 500 Facebook “fans” of Collaborative Librarianship (, and follow CL on twitter.



Ivan Gaetz, General Editor, Collaborative Librarianship

Regis University, 3333 Regis Blvd. Mail Code D-20

Denver CO 80221-1099                                                         303-458-3556                                   

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