Oct. 15-18, 2013

Anaheim, CA


Proposals Due: January 15 

Take time this week to submit your preconference seminar proposal for EDUCAUSE 2013. This is a great opportunity to organize and facilitate an in-depth exploration of those challenges and solutions shared across the higher education IT landscape.

Preconference seminars are half- or full-day facilitated discussions of a single topic or a group of related topics, offered either face-to-face or online during the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. Face-to-face presenters can also compete for their session to take place in a limited number of flexible learning spaces. All preconference seminars will take place Tuesday, October 15.

The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is the premier gathering for higher education IT professionals and technology providers. All of our professional development events draw significantly from the expertise of these professionals to shape program content and to educate, advise, and influence the broad community.

Be a part of this year’s dynamic program by submitting a preconference seminar proposal.

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